首先第一门课是CS506 Tools of Data Science,这门课是python处理大数据的基础课程,因为是基础课程所以...
最强的是一些工作过几年又读过master来拿phd镀金的人,这些人基本上可以完虐清华的前几名。 最爱麦卡 内牛满面 13 具体方向而言,UBC本科EE名声不好(学生太多,水平层次不齐,课程比较水),除非你有超高的GPA,否则你在申请的时候很不占优势,最近两年都没听过谁申到MIT。CS生源和课程强度比起EE还是强不少的,...
可能学校科研还挺强的,但是排名高只能说明phd和教授牛逼,跟master没关系。master只是过去送钱的。我觉得没得选了再考虑澳洲8大,有70分的话大概能进个6所,剩下两所我估计要75。下面我可能会说一些申请基本材料和推荐信还有杂七杂八的事情,我想起来了就来发,毕竟现在没人看 迷路的小旺仔 前来围观 7 啊,去...
Note sharing for a discussion group around the Advanced R Programming book (http://adv-r.had.co.nz/) - UBCadv-r/meta-notes.html at master · yefengpan/UBCadv-r
Electrophysiological analyses in acute cerebellar slices revealed that the amplitude of evoked excitatory postsynaptic currents (EPSCs) at parallel fiber/Purkinje cell synapses was increased in RNF8 conditional knockout mice compared to control animals (at 30 μA, control: 15.18 ± 7.13 pA...
个人建议是 想考phd或者top master 必上honours或者至少把重要的honours的课都上了不然挺伤的。。。一些combine major的 其实没那么大就业优势 而且申请研究生挺伤的比如我是统计的 我们系有stats&econ cs 之类的combine但是 本来stats和econ两个major都是要42credit的upper level毕业的 但你combine了以后会少24个...
dependabot wants to merge 1 commit into master from dependabot/pip/lectures/web_application/werkzeug-2.2.3+1 −1 Conversation 0 Commits 1 Checks 0 Files changed 1 Conversation Contributor dependabot bot commented on behalf of github Feb 16, 2023 Bumps werkzeug from 1.0.1 to 2.2.3. ...
由于BC PNP Master Programs的加持,很多的UBC研究生项目已经达到了润的蕞高峰 —— 毕业就能润。为了辅助润和促进润,本篇小红书列举了UBC竞争力蕞大的润学项目,并且着重强调润的难点。 润之蕞卷:Master of Food and Resources Economics 食品与资源经济专业本来是UBC Land and Food System开设的一个和经济学专业...
* Each assembly is in charge by a master who has working experience for more than 15 years * After all the equipment are completed, we will connect all the machines and run the full production line for at least 12 hours to ensure the stabl...