3. 在UBC入学以前,在加拿大以外的英语为官方语言的国家,完成至少四年连续的、受正规认证的全日制学习 其他几个条件可以参考下图或官网:https://you.ubc.ca/applying-ubc/requirements/english-language-competency/ 如果所有条件都不符合,但学生自己又认为自己可以申请语言豁免,那么可以参考以下流程,写申请书给UBC,并提...
https://you.ubc.ca/applying-ubc/requirements/english-language-competency/ 如果所有条件都不符合,但学生自己又认为自己可以申请语言豁免,那么可以参考以下流程,写申请书给UBC,并提交一些支持材料,学校会根据所有依据判定学生是否要提交语...
首先,去查一查calendar.ubc.ca,输入你的faculty,看看你是读Bachelor of Science还是Computer Science。点进去后,你会看到详细的program requirements。另外,SSC上也有一个degree navigator,超级方便! 课表怎么规划?📅 每个Science program的要求不同,但核心课程差不多。我虽然是在Faculty of Land and Food Systems,但...
我今年9月读langara,然后想转明年9月的ubc computer science读second year。我在transfer的要求里只看到要有24分才够, 其中至少要有12分lower-level science requirements, 但是没有明确指出其余12分是要什么科目,是任何科目都可以吗?还是要匹配UBC专业第一年的科目?谢谢 ELALLLAAA 打酱油的 5 高考成绩要求多少 ...
1、UBC官网关于文书中需体现的申请人活动要求如下:Depending on which degree(s) you apply to, you...
Academic Requirements At the minimum hold the equivalent of a four-year bachelor’s degree from UBC with a minimum B+ (76% at UBC) average in your third and fourth-year courses.To determine if your 3-year degree is accepted, please refer to this website:https://www.grad.ubc.ca/countri...
Admission Requirements 入学要求 Applicants from China must have a four-year bachelor’s degree in engineering or a related discipline from a recognized institution with an overall 85% or B+ standing. Graduates from a National Key University must have a minimum overall ...
is an innovative and accredited program providing university admission to students who meet all academic requirements for a Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Applied Science, Bachelor of Management, Bachelor of Fine Arts, or Bachelor of Human Kinetics degree program, yet who do not...
The award of a Masters’ degree, the teaching of which was in English from an English Speaking country. How to APPly: Please contact R.Muttukrishnan@city.ac.uk and max.smith-creasey@bt.com to express your interest with a recent CV and a research proposal within the scope of the topic....
This study measured the satisfaction of user experience through the disclosure and non-disclosure of brand, focusing on 3D GUI cases which were launched so far, and it demonstrated that there was a clear difference in the degree of satisfaction. Through this examine, a brand was confirmed ...