If the ID number of the other payer for this patient is not known, then enter the word NONE. FL 63 – Treatment Authorization Codes If the claim requires Prior Approval enter the PA number on that line (A, B or C) that corresponds to the Medicaid entry in FL50. If entering the PA...
8 = Void of prior claim 5 Federal Tax No. Optional.6 Statement Covers Period (From & Through Dates) dates of the period covered by this bill. Required. Enter the beginning and ending service dates.Note: Do not show days before the patient’s entitlement began.Note: A claim may ...
Claim Form Codes Type of Bill Facility Codes - FL 4 Type of Bill Frequency Codes - FL 4 Admission/Discharge Hour - FL 13/16 Point of Origin Admission/Visit - FL 15 Patient Discharge Status - FL 17 Condition Codes - FLs 18-28 Occurrence Codes - FLs 31-34 Occurrence Span Codes - FLs...
名讳Name 绰号/头衔Sobriquet/Title 状态Status 备注Notes 丹德尔Dendar暗夜巨蛇The Night Serpent 被囚禁Imprisoned艾伯尔-托瑞尔星球的一条上古邪物;宿命将毁灭世界An Elder Evil of Abeir-Toril; fated to destroy the world 乌塔欧Ubtao骗子The Deceiver 神祇Deity 在艾伯尔-托瑞尔星球看守被囚禁的丹德尔的荒神;被...
claim 说 acclaim 欢呼 exclaim 呼喊 declaim 演说 proclaim 声明 assure reclaim 改正 clamor 喧闹 tumor humor rumor 谣言 nounce 说 noun verb adjective adverb announce 宣布 announcement pronounce 发音 pronunciation renounce 放弃 reclaim 取消 denounce 痛骂 ...
Refund policy:Claim a refund if your order doesn't ship, is missing, or arrives with product issues. YIYANG WONSTAR BUILDING MATERIAL CO., LTD. Trading Company Secured Trading Service Gold MemberSince 2015 Audited Supplier Registered Capital ...
He is end lessly patient and rarely emotional. Ubtao maintains a palpable emotional distance from both mortals and other powers, and he seems to stand aloof from the daily doings of the world and his followers.}} 事实上,正是创造楚尔特这项非常行为分开了乌塔欧与他的造物。乌塔欧通过显现为大量...