These forwarded GPIOs are stored on the DES in the form of BC GPIOs. Table 24. BC_GPIO_CTL0 Registers From the 954 Data Sheet ADDR REGISTER (HEX) NAME 0x6E BC_GPIO_ CTL0 BIT(S) 7:4 3:0 FIELD BC_GPIO1_SEL BC_GPIO0_SEL TYPE RW RW DEFAU LT DESCRIPTION Back channel GPIO1 ...
The vertical synchronize signal corresponds to the start and end of a frame and the start and end of a field. Note this form of synchronization timing relationship has a non-deterministic latency. After the control data is reconstructed from the bidirectional control channel, there is a time ...
Form_name, application_id Form_name is used to fill the EBS_formname2*.txt files. APPLSYS.FND_FORM_TL User-form-name. APPLSYS.FND_RESPONSIBILITY Responsibility keys APPLSYS.FND_RESPONSIBILITY_TL Responsibility descriptions APPLSYS.JDR_ATTRIBUTES APPLSYS.FND_NEW_MESSAGES The MESSAGE_NUMBER, MESSAGE...
The vertical synchronize signal corresponds to the start and end of a frame and the start and end of a field. NOTE this form of synchronization timing relationship has a non-deterministic latency. After the control data is reconstructed from the bidirectional control channel, there will be a ...
DS90UB901Q Control Registers Addr (Hex) Name Bits Field R/W Default Description 7:1 DEVICE ID 0 I2C Device ID 0 SER ID SEL 7-bit address of Serializer; 0x58'h (1011_000X'b) default RW 0xB0'h 0: Device ID is from ID[x] 1: Register I2C Device ID overrides ID[x] 7:3 ...
These forwarded GPIOs are stored on the DES in the form of BC GPIOs. Table 24. BC_GPIO_CTL0 Registers From the 954 Data Sheet ADDR REGISTER (HEX) NAME 0x6E BC_GPIO_ CTL0 BIT(S) 7:4 3:0 FIELD BC_GPIO1_SEL BC_GPIO0_SEL TYPE RW RW DEFAU LT DESCRIPTION Back channel GPIO1 ...
DS90UB913Q-Q1 Control Registers ADDR (HEX) 0x00 NAME I2C Device ID BITS FIELD 7:1 DEVICE ID 0 SER ID SEL 7 RSVD 6 RDS 5 VDDIO Control 4 VDDIO MODE 0x01 Power and Reset 3 ANAPWDN 2 RSVD 1 DIGITAL RESET1 0x02 0 DIGITAL RESET0 7 RX CRC Checker Enable 6 TX Parity Generator ...