荨⿇疹活动性评分Urticaria activity score (UAS) 包括计算风团数量和瘙痒程度。根据风团数量计分1-3分:0 – ⼩于10 个⼩风团 (直径 < 3 cm);1 – 10 - 50个⼩风团或少于10个⼤风团 (直径 > 3 cm);2 – 多于50个⼩风团或 10- 50个⼤风团;3 – ⼏乎躯体全部受累。瘙痒严重程度评分0...
Chronic urticaria, Questionnaire, Psychometric, Reliability, Validity, SpanishBackground The daily diary Urticaria Activity Score (UAS) and its weekly score (UAS7) are widely used to assess signs and symptoms in patients with chronic spontaneous urticaria (CSU). The objective......
BackgroundChronic urticaria (CU) is a disease defined by the presence of wheals and itching for more than 6 weeks. Depending on its severity, it may impair the patients' quality of life (QOL). The questionnaire Cu-Q2oL designed by Dr. Walter Canonica's group, specifically evaluates quality...