void UART_Send(unsigned char data); unsigned char UART_Receive...(unsigned char data) { SBUF = data; // 将数据写入发送缓冲区 while (TI == 0); // 等待发送完成 TI = 0;...// 清除接收中断标志 return SBUF; // 返回接收到的数据 } // 串口中断服务例程(如果需要) void UART_ISR(void)...
据我所知,在 main () 之前需要有一个函数原型,特别是 " CY_ISR_PROTO (UART_ISR);,但它肯定在那里。" 我不明白自己错过了什么。 完整代码粘贴在下面: #include p#include #include #define MAX_LENGT H 20 #define START_CHAR 'A '// 将其更改为要检查的特定字符 char received_string [MAX_...
When enabling the CONFIG_UART_ISR_IN_IRAM option, I get the following log message when booting the board: Code: Select all I (241961) uart: ESP_INTR_FLAG_IRAM flag not set while CONFIG_UART_ISR_IN_IRAM is enabled, flag updated What does it mean exactly? Is there something I need ...
Has Anyone implemented ISRs with AVALON UART? I'm trying to implement an ISR using the RRDY Interrupt bit in the STATUS register but it seems not work... has anyone an idea? i past and copy the functions: -- ISR instantiation -- void init_seriale_ext (void) { // ...
If you look in the directory altera\kits\nios2\components\altera_avalon_uart there is a driver for the UART, both interrupt driven and non-interrupt driven. I suspect that your problem is that the UART driver is automatically installed on your system, so it is handling the ISR. You will ...
Solved: I'm trying to configure a UART ISR. I using MQX, but here I want to control the ISR directly. The ISR doesn’t work when I start writing.
Isr_InitIsr(INT_UART0_RX_TX, Uart_RxTx0_Isr); } Here is the Isr_InitIsr function: void Isr_InitIsr(_mqx_uint isr, void (_CODE_PTR_ isr_func)(pointer)) { MY_ISR_STRUCT_PTR isr_ptr; isr_ptr = _mem_alloc_zero((_mem_size)sizeof(MY_ISR_STRUCT)); isr_ptr->TICK_COUN...
但从头文件定义和实际调试情况来看,RXFERR_INTF标志位在MM32F003TW微控制器的UART2 ISR寄存器中是存在...
可以看到如果没有读取到数据,并且UART的FLAGS允许NONBLOCK的话,读取UART数据的线程就会调用rt_wqueue_wait线程。这个rt_wqueue_wait源码如下: 62 int rt_wqueue_wait(rt_wqueue_t *queue, int condition, int msec) 63 { 64 int tick; 65 rt_thread_t tid = rt_current_thread; ...