I am trying to send data over UART1 using the s32k144 evb (it is connected to my PC via OpenSDA), I tried to run the built-in LPUART example and it worked <the data were sent via the OpenSDA connection> I tried to connect the pins PTC7 and PTC6 to RS232 but it did not ...
Re: Custom Board USB UART Pins ESP32-S3-Wroom1 by e-music » Sun Jun 25, 2023 8:34 pm I have the same situation and I would like to confirm it before designing my own board. So, a USB<>UART bridge chip is not necessary to program/debug ESP32-S3-WROOM modules? So, IO19/...
64569 - KC705 User Guide UG810 (v1.6.1) - USB UART pin constraints in UG810 do not match Vivado 2015.1 “part0_pins.xml” board file Description In the current Kintex-7 FPGA KC705 Evaluation Kit User Guide, (UG810) v1.6.1, the Appendix C XDC Constraints File Listing shows the foll...