我需要上拉 UART Rx 引脚(IOCFG8:PULL_CTL = 0x2)。 但在调用 UART_OPEN ()之后设置了 IOCFG8:PULL_CTL = 0x3 我做错了什么? Board_UART_RX | PIN_INPUT_EN | PIN_PULLUP、 //初始化并打开 UART void UART_Init (void){ uart_params_init (¶ms); params.baudrate = ...
GPIO_InitStruct.Mode = GPIO_MODE_INPUT; GPIO_InitStruct.Pull = GPIO_NOPULL; HAL_GPIO_Init(rx_port, &GPIO_InitStruct); 更改接收引脚为上拉输入 /* rx pin initialize */GPIO_InitStruct.Pin = rx_pin; GPIO_InitStruct.Mode = GPIO_MODE_INPUT; GPIO_InitStruct.Pull = GPIO_PULLUP; HAL_GPIO...
Solved: Hi everyone, I have some problem on a psoc 4100 BLE (CYC84127) to configure UART RX pin with a pull-up by software. Indeed, when using the
>>So why does the RX pulls down the data line? Check the MSP's GPIO Initialization code. Could just be letting it float. Not sure how it would be low, presumably the other end would be driving it high in a normal static/inactive state. And thus a "pull-down" isn't going to over...
PINCC26XX_setMux(object->hPin, hwAttrs->rxPin, IOC_PORT_MCU_UART0_RX);&nb...
当1WIRE 器件发送逻辑1时,Tx处有NMOS会导通,总线呈现逻辑0,经过MCU Rx 处的反相器,MCU会收到逻辑1; 当1WIRE器件发送逻辑0时,NMOS截止,总线呈现逻辑1,MCU会收到逻辑0; 主机端(BUS MASTER)多为MCU,因为MCU的TXD不是漏极开路,因此通常需要一个外部漏极开路缓冲电路,该电路可以由分立元件构成。
();14/**USART1 GPIO Configuration15PA9 ---> USART1_TX16PA10 ---> USART1_RX17*/18GPIO_InitStruct.Pin = GPIO_PIN_9|GPIO_PIN_10;19GPIO_InitStruct.Mode =GPIO_MODE_AF_PP;20GPIO_InitStruct.Pull =GPIO_PULLUP;21GPIO_InitStruct.Speed =GPIO_SPEED_FREQ_VERY_HIGH;22GPIO_InitStruct.Alterna...
USART 内置检测电路检测一帧数据的开始,并对 RX 引脚进行采样, USART 采用 8 或 16 倍数据波特率的...