//Description : Uart Interrupt Handler & Q Buffer For NiosII //Vision : V1.0 //Filename : InterruptHandlerForUart.c // Copyright 2006, Cheong Min LEE // Email: lcm2559@yahoo.co.kr // The test may be run in NiosII standalone mode //--- #include "system.h" #include "altera_av...
kUART_FramingErrorInterruptEnable | kUART_ParityErrorInterruptEnable */ ); EnableIRQ(UART4_RX_TX_IRQn); and here is my handler static void GPS_UART_ISR(void){ uint8_t statReg = UART_GetStatusFlags(UART4); /* Read status register */ uint8_t data; /* Temporary variable for data *...
以下是一个简单的处理UART接收中断的示例代码: #include <linux/module.h> #include <linux/kernel.h> #include <linux/fs.h> #include <linux/interrupt.h> #include <linux/gpio.h> #include <linux/uaccess.h> #define UART_IRQ 10 // UART接收中断号 static irqreturn_t uart_interrupt_handler(int ...
// // The UART interrupt handler. // //*** void UARTIntHandler(void) { uint32_t ui32Status; unsigned char Temp = 0; // // Get the interrrupt status. // ui32Status = ROM_UARTIntStatus(UART0_BASE, true); // // Clear the asserted interrupts. // ROM_UARTInt...
Hello! Please, explain me how to write interrupt handler for UART using NIOS II IDE. I can't find any information in documentation about it.
1INTERRUPT_HANDLER(UART2_RX_IRQHandler,21)2{34/* Read one byte from the receive data register and send it back */56ReciveBuff=(UART2_ReceiveData8()&0x7F);//get input char78RT=uart_GetStr(RxBuffer,TRUE);//operate the char910}
这应用程序中开启接收缓冲fifo中断与发送为空中断。 这时uart接收到数据,则会自动跳入中断处理函数ZUartPs_InterruptHandler中。向发送硬fifo中写入数据,在数据发空后,也会跳入中断处理函数ZUartPs_Interrupt Handler中。两者根据不同中断状态寄存器中的标识进行相应的处理。
INTERRUPT_HANDLER(UART1_RX_IRQHandler, 18) { uint8_t temp; temp = UART1_ReceiveData8(); UART1_SendData8(temp); } 这里只是简单的一个Demo例程,接收到数据,将其通过串口发送出去。 UART串口有接收数据中断,会置位接收标志,平常我们响应中断,一般都会清楚中断标志,但串口中断接收数据,我们都会去读取串口接...
UART5->ICR &= ~(0x010); // Clear receive interrupt Write UART Receiver Interrupt Handler function We will be using UART5 port in this tutorial. Therefore, we will discuss UART5. But concepts and process is same for other UART modules also. ...
WEAK_AV void IntDefaultHandler(void){ while(1) {}} Which is what you expect (ie if you haven't defined an interrupt handler, you're going to a default one that does nothing). The default handler referenced above has the "WEAK" option which means that if the "UART4_RX_T...