Description: There is an issue in the Zephyr Device Tree configuration for STM32G0 series UART peripherals. Specifically, the interrupt numbers for UART4, UART5, and UART6 are assigned the same interrupt number (IRQ 29). This results in ...
void InterruptTimer0() interrupt 1 { TH0 = T0RH; TL0 = T0RL; LedScan(); } void InterruptUART() interrupt 4 { if(RI) { RI = 0; RxdByte = SBUF; SBUF = RxdByte; } if(TI) { TI = 0; } } emmm,,,再看一个升级版的! /* *** * 文件名:main.c *描 述:数码管显示ASCII *...
Hence, TM4C123GH6PM microcontroller will do nothing except checking the status of the RX pin. Therefore, it is kind of a waste of microcontroller processing time and resources. On the contrary, by using interrupt driven approach, microcontroller does not have to keep checking the status of Rx...
EA =1; ES =1; } 详解SCON = 0X50 : SCON是串行口寄存器,0X50就是 0101 0000,SCON=0X50实际上就是 SM1=1; SM0=0; 这两条语句的集合,也就是说允许接受串行口中断方式1 (即8位异步通讯)。 详解REN = 1: REN是允许接收控制位,由软件置1或清0。REN = 1时,设置为允许接收,相当于串行接收的开关。
void InterruptUART() interrupt 4 { if (RI) //接收到字节 { RI = 0; //手动清零接收中断标志位 RxdByte = SBUF; //接收到的数据保存到接收字节变量中 SBUF = RxdByte; //接收到的数据又直接发回,这叫回显-'echo',以提示用户输入的信息是否已正确接收 ...
4、打开定时器控制寄存器TR1,让定时器跑起来。 这里还要特别注意一下,就是在使用T1做波特率发生器的时候,千万不要再使能T1的中断了。 我们先来看一下由IO口模拟串口通信直接改为使用硬件UART模块时的程序代码,看看程序是不是简单了很多,因为大部分的工作硬件模块都替我们做了。程序功能和IO口模拟的是完全一样的...
kUART_ParityErrorInterruptEnable */ ); EnableIRQ(UART4_RX_TX_IRQn); and here is my handler static void GPS_UART_ISR(void) { uint8_t statReg = UART_GetStatusFlags(UART4); /* Read status register */ uint8_t data; /* Temporary variable for data */ ...
1、定时器3中断与串口0中断冲突开启了串口0中断,同时开启了定时器3中断,串口0中断处理函数如下:void SerialPort0_ISR(void) interrupt4{ if (RI==1) //这个中断时接收跟发送共用的 {UART_RxData(&UART... 凤毛麟角2021-11-18 07:48:06 DM8127uart4不能接收 ...
void NVIC_Configuration_Usart4(void) { NVIC_InitTypeDef NVIC_InitStructure; /* Configure the NVIC Preemption Priority Bits */ NVIC_PriorityGroupConfig(NVIC_PriorityGroup_0);/* Enable the USARTy Interrupt */ NVIC_InitStructure.NVIC_IRQChannel = UART4_IRQn; ...
(*s)//逐个发送字符串的字符,直到读到结尾的\0结束{SendDate(*s++);//C语言知识,相当于*(s++)}}//===接收数据&中断服务函数===voidUartReceive()interrupt4//串口1对应中断号为4{if(RI==1){//接收到数据时RI被置1SendString("蓝桥杯加油!");}RI=0;//执行完中断后需要软件清零} 3.主函数 voi...