.CLK_OUT4(clk_12m5), // OUT // Status and control signals .RESET(!rst_n),// IN .LOCKED(clk_locked)); // OUT // INST_TAG_END --- End INSTANTIATION Template --- //--- // 例化mysoc系统 (* BOX_TYPE = "user_black_box" *) mysoc uut_mysoc ( .RESET(rst_n), .LEDS_TRI...
My modem control signals and data signlas are routed through EMIO, so there is not problem in this case. I tried to enable modem control signal with stty (using your command) but RTS signal is not dessaserted when trying to transmit data ( 'echo test > /dev/ttyPS0' ). I'm develop...
The active-lowRTS andCTS signals work together to control transmission flow. Hardware flow is typicallycontrolled by the DTE device, which could be considered a‘master’ device. In the case of a DTE-to-DTE configuration, either device can act as a master. 发送方DTE1,通过自己的RTS引脚,发出...
I'm looking at the Am3505 to replace an older ARM processor. It has a UART port with full modem control signals: TX, RX, CTSn, RTSn, DSRn, DTR, RIn, and DCDn. My application has the need for one UART to have full modem control. In reading the Am35xx Tech Ref Man. I don'...
While in this screen, from thePeripherals Signalstab, we can route thelpuat2_rxto thePTA8pin andlpuart2_txto thePTA9pin: 2.3. Component Configuration In this subchapter, we dive into configuring the UART peripheral, component that allows the serial communication. We will ...
actually RTS and CTS are signals on UART side, my goal is to get flow control signals on Avalon side. In other words a standard avalon interface is not able to know if the IP has received data from uart side, except for polling technique. 0 Kudos Copy link Reply aikeu Employee ...
- Hardware flow control enabled (RTS and CTS signals)- Receive and transmit enabled @par Directory...
UART模块通过RxD与TxD与外界通信,如果使用硬件流控还会用到CTS和RTS,以UART1为例,可用的外部输出引脚如表格所示, 其他UART对应的外部引脚请参考《IMX6ULRM》(参考手册)External Signals and Pin Multiplexing章节。 表UART1引脚 LPUART1_TX GPIO1_IO02
void NVIC_GroupConfig(void){ /* 配置NVIC中断优先级分组:- 1比特表示主优先级 主优先级合法取值为...
图中的Modem signals表示是否添加串口的流控制功能,即调制解调器,如果选中的话,会额外增加一些引脚,...