uart_change_pm(state, 0); /* * Start up the serial port. */ retval = uart_startup(state, 0); /* * If we succeeded, wait until the port is ready. */ if (retval == 0) retval = uart_block_til_ready(filp, state); mutex_unlock(&state->mutex); /* * If this is the first...
4.4 调用uart_change_pm给端口上电, 实际是调用uport::uart_ops::pm 4.5 调用uport::uart_ops::set_mctrl禁用串口控制 4.6 如果该端口关联控制台, 则调用register_console来注册控制台 4.7 如果该端口不是控制台端口, 则调用uart_change_pm给端口断电 5. 为uport::tty_groups分配2/3个数据结构并赋值, [0...
void uart_handle_dcd_change(struct uart_port *uport, bool active) void uart_handle_cts_change(...
uart_configure_port() -> uart_change_pm() <-- uart_configure_port --> uart_add_one_port, tty_port_register_device_attr() <--- uart_add_one_port serial_imx_probe() -> uart_add_one_port() , ret = 0 serial_imx_probe() -> platform_set_drvdata() serial_imx_probe...
I tested with this demo, work well without any change. Have you tested with default demo? BR Alice 0 Kudos Reply 05-16-2024 12:29 AM 9,076 Views Alice_Yang NXP TechSupport Hello @DHARSAN How about refer to the demo "usart_9bit_interrut_transfer" under SDK? BR Alice 0...
This is the one and only change I make in the code: switch to either EOT or FIFO interrupt and program runs differently. With EOT everything runs nicely and with FIFO it stops sending data at random moments of time. Bruno Saraiva Ye...
大家好,我在我的板子上测试串口时发现uart3串口不能正常操作,一开始接收乱码,然后再write就只返回-1,有时系统还会崩溃,其他几个串口均工作正常,请问这一般什么原因? 串口硬件配置为: UART3_RXD --> SPI0_CS1, UART3_TXD-->ECAP0_IN_PWM0_OUT
struct uart_state {struct tty_port port;enum uart_pm_state pm_state;struct circ_buf xmit;struct uart_port *uart_port; /*对应于一个串口设备*/}; 2.2.4. struct uart_port uart_port用于描述串口端口的I/O端口或I/O内存地址、FIFO大小、端口类型、串口时钟等信息。实际上,一个uart_port实现对应一...
Change to the new line discipline pointed to by ldisc. The available line disciplines are listed in /* ioctl (fd, TIOCSERGETLSR, &result) where result may be as below */ /* line disciplines */ #define N_TTY 0 …… #define N_HCI 15 /* Bluetooth HCI UART */ ...
Contributor nordic-krch commented Nov 21, 2024 Rework test to support running on multiple UART instances. Extend configuration for nrf54h20dk/nrf54h20/cpuapp to use also uart120 instance. It contains commit from #81273 as without this uart120 does not work with device runtime PM....