ETS_UART_INTR_ATTACH(uart0_rx_intr_handler, &(UartDev.rcv_buff));PIN_PULLUP_DIS(PERIPHS_IO...
注意: 由于并不是每个UART设备都支持流控功能,因此设备默认为UART_FLOWCTRL_NONE, 不需要特地调用csi_uart_flowctrl将uart设置为UART_FLOWCTRL_NONE。 csi_uart_attach_callback csi_error_tcsi_uart_attach_callback(csi_uart_t*uart,void*callback,void*arg); 功能描述: 设置回调函数,并打开中断的异步模式读写...
unsignedint(*get_mctrl)(structuart_port *);void(*stop_tx)(structuart_port *);void(*start_tx)(structuart_port *);void(*throttle)(structuart_port *);void(*unthrottle)(structuart_port *);void(*send_xchar)(structuart_port *,charch);void(*stop_rx)(structuart_port *);void(*enable_m...
and stop bit) before they start to communicate. A UART sends data to the peer end over the TX and receives data from the peer end over the RX. When the size of the buffer used by a UART for storing received
ID listeners are used to receive the response to a request. When registerign an ID listener, it's possible to attach custom user data to it that will be made available to the listener callback. This data (void *) can be any kind of application context variable. ...
ETS_UART_INTR_ATTACH(uart0_rx_intr_handler, &(UartDev.rcv_buff));PIN_PULLUP_DIS(PERIPHS_IO...
Hi, let me make the situation more clear. i can run into IQRHander. i use the callback function, length= __HAL_DMA_GET_COUNTER can change. (i think
I recommend if the external device can be attach through another component as glue logic, let´s said a buffer or any other device like a transistor to avoid this low level. Have a happy new year 1 Kudo Reply Load more replies Post...
ID listeners are used to receive the response to a request. When registerign an ID listener, it's possible to attach custom user data to it that will be made available to the listener callback. This data (void *) can be any kind of application context variable. ...
P_UART_INT_ENABLE |= P_UART_ISR_RX_AFF_MASK; // Set callback function to app callback function. puart_rxCb = application_puart_interrupt_callback; // Enable the CPU level interrupt puart_enableInterrupt(); return (TRUE); } I hope that it helps. Best, Like 1,862 2 7 Anonymo...