A Study on Interpersonal Meaning of Engagement Resources in the First Speeches of British Prime Ministers (54th - 57th) The UAM Corpus Tool 6.0 was applied in this study to undertake an in-depth quantitative and qualitative analysis of four different British Prime Ministerial... W Zhang,Z Wang...
academic year 2005-06 collecting data in two CLIL classes in two schools participating in the British Council/Spanish Ministry of Education bilingual programme, and has followed the same groups from 1o to 4o of ESO (Obligatory Secondary Education) in the subject of Social Science, taught in ...
Finally, 18 items were derived by combining and compressing sentences and words with the same meaning. The researcher used the TAGUETTE program (https://app.taguette.org/ (accessed on 25 June 2022)), a qualitative research analysis program, to derive themes and subthemes through coding. The ...
# meaning that half of the test samples is consistently approximated w.r.t # training samples and the other half is poorly approximated in the FPCs basis. # # The distribution underlying the left blue mode (red) is the one of # test samples REs flagged as nonoutliers, i.e. having a ...