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UAL and E-Store Team UpReviews the Web site Reports Travel Letter
时尚营销与可持续性Fashion Marketing and Sustainability这个项目的focus,simply put,就是如何在推销时尚产品的同时,关注环境保护、社会责任和资源的可持续利用。现在越来越多的消费者,尤其是 Z generation,已经不满足于单纯的产品,他们更在意品牌是否对环境友好、是否重视劳工权益、以及产品是否使用可持续材料。那么,...
Utilize the Acoustic Camera to identify sound sources and measure impulse responses, optimizing sound quality and clarity in any space.
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UAL and UBA Series Parallel design linear actuators Rear hinged attachments, parallel motor mounting design. High precision timing belt transmissions. Lubrication with synthetic grease (gearbox long life lubricated, screw drive regreasable). UAL Series acme screw drive:...
Marketing Alliance UAL and Lufthansa Joining in Marketing AllianceUAL and Lufthansa Joining in Marketing AllianceSusan Chandler
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