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[国际时讯]俄罗斯联邦安全会议秘书绍伊古表示 美国际开发署资助“白头盔”等伪人道组织 [共同关注]商务部回应美国将对所有输美钢铝征收25%关税 敦促美方摒弃零和思维 纠正错误做法 [新闻30分]加沙地带停火协议 哈马斯称将推迟释放下一批被扣押人员 [央视财经评论]深圳水贝市场:金饰品消费热情不减 商家节后忙补货 [新闻...
大H的小飞机 21-08-1 22:37 来自iPhone 11 Pro Max 滴露 除菌消毒喷雾750ml*2瓶拍立减10,到手89.8 k收起 f查看大图 m向左旋转 n向右旋转û收藏 转发 1 ñ赞 评论 o p 同时转发到我的微博 按热度 按时间 正在加载,请稍候......
A product containing polynucleate basic Me<3><+> hydroxysulphate complex in solid form which when dissolved in water will provide a positively charged polynucleate complex possessing charge neutralizing properties in systems containing suspended or colloidal negatively charged particles, preferably polyalumin...
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PROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To collect and convey a sample including a pollutant safely and surely. SOLUTION: The vehicle is equipped with: an operator room 2 where an operator gets on board; an air purification device 17 for sucking/filtering polluted air outside the vehicle, sending clean air af...
PURPOSE: To improve the crime preventing capability and ventilating capability by providing a door window below the ventilating opening of the outer wall of a house, and fitting a shutter case incorporating a shutter opening or closing the door window on the outer face of the outer wall containin...