In 2022, the total fertility rate in the United Arab Emirates remained nearly unchanged at around 1.44 children per woman. Nevertheless, this was the first time during the considered period that the fertility rate declined, albeit slowly, in the United Arab Emirates. Total fertility rates refer ...
The age of a patient undergoing fertility preservation strongly impacts the outcome of freezing in regard to the number of retrieved mature oocytes, the survival rate of oocytes during the thawing process, and the fertilization rate when injected with sperm, with higher chances of pregnancy, includin...
At Almurshidi Medical Tourism, we are committed to supporting individuals and couples on their fertility… Posted in: India, Iran, IVF, Korea, medical, Medical Services, Medical Tourism, Thailand, Treatment, Turkey, UAE Tags: #Almurshidimedicaltourism, Dreams Come True, family planning, fertili...
With a total market share of more than 63.0% in 2021, the United States is expected to maintain a high growth rate throughout the forecast period. Obesity is a major health issue in the country, resulting in a variety of diseases. North Americais expected to generate significant revenue in ...
It is characterized by a low and irregular precipitation rate (60 to 160 mm) [9]. The soil is classified as sandy sodic soil with a high permeability rate, low water holding capacity, low moisture content and low fertility rate [9,10]. Soil salinity is one of its major problems, ...