After reading the VAT rate for zero-rated and tax-exempt supplies in UAE above, let us briefly explain GCC in this section. GCC stands for Gulf Cooperation Council, an economic and political alliance between the 6 Kingdom of the Middle East - Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, a...
This week also saw petrol prices across the country drop and the introduction of a four-day working week for some employees. Meanwhile, in Saudi Arabia, visa rules were clarified offering exemptions and investment opportunities for ...
The UAE has the world’s sixth largest proved reserves of conventional crude oil and seventh largest proved reserves of natural gas. Although only the world’s ninth biggest oil producer, it is the fifth largest net oil exporter, with only Russia and Saudi Arabia exporting substantially more. T...
On behalf of the “Alliance Judgment Recovery“, I, the undersigned, do hereby request to the citizens of India, the United Nations, the European Parliament, the United States, the United Kingdom, and all other Nations, International Organizations and all the people who believe in democratic va...
Providing travellers from Hong Kong and Saudi Arabia with greater convenience and connectivity Financial Secretary of the Hong Kong SAR Government Paul Chan Mo-po (centre), Consul General of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in Hong Kong Hamad Aljebreen (fifth from right), Cathay Group Chair Patrick...
没门! 3178353 什邡吧 KinG___丶小宇 圆明圆3D复原图(惊叹……太美了) 分享39赞 亚冠吧 y814756748 艾因无缘明年亚冠联赛,连续五年记录作古本赛季阿联酋各项赛事接近尾声,联赛收官,下赛季亚冠联赛的名额分配也尘埃落定。联赛冠军贾齐拉和 分享5827 神木吧 youliedtome 关于山东招远那个事你们有什么想说的么?如题...
If you are planning to visit United Kingdom for a business, Leisure or family reunion purposes, let Mahandru Associates manage the process for you.Once we get your visa approved you and your family can can travel and stay anywhere in the United Kingdom for up to 6 months. In order to ...
Geography:The United Arab Emirates is located in the middle of the Arabian Gulf, north of the equator, between latitudes 22, 26.30, and longitudes 51, 56.30 east of Greenwich. It is bordered from the north by the Arabian Gulf, and from the west by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and from...
“This was a challenging event to put together as it was our first foray into the Kingdom, and we had to overcome many unexpected obstacles, but I am delighted we took the chance to come here. I have been delighted by the passion, commitment and knowledge present in the Kingdom...
Erdogan, who has also been making moves towards Egypt and Israel, has said that he plans to travel to Saudi Arabia next month. If it goes ahead, the trip will be his first visit to the kingdom since the murder of the journalist Jamal Khashoggi in the Saudi consulate at Istanbul in 201...