unsigned int 32 (C语言标准表达方法) 2.uint32_t ; 3.u32; 这三种表达式是同一个意思,只是...
typedefsignedchar int8_t; // 标准表达方式 signed char 被等同于 int8_t; typedef signed short int int16_t; typedef signed int int32_t;//在32位环境里,int代表4个字节32位!! typedef signed __int64 int64_t; typedef unsigned char uint8_t; typedef unsigned short int uint16_t; typedef unsi...
1.u8就是unsigned char ,是8位无符号char类型的值 /*!< Signed integer types */typedefsignedcharint8_t;typedefsignedshortint16_t;typedefsignedlongint32_t;/*!< Unsigned integer types */typedefunsignedcharuint8_t;typedefunsignedshortuint16_t;typedefunsignedlonguint32_t;/*!< STM8Lx Standard Per...
typedef __IO int32_t vs32 typedef __IO int16_t vs16 typedef __IO int8_t vs8 typedef __I int32_t vsc32 typedef __I int16_t vsc16 typedef __I int8_t vsc8 typedef uint32_t u32 typedef uint16_t u16 typedef uint8_t u8 typedef const uint32_t uc...
1、用户参考手册开始 c+原型uint8_t U8GLIB:begin(void) C原型uint8_t u8g_Begin(u8g_t *u8g) 描述重置显示和放到默认状态。 参数:o u8g u8g:指针结构(C接口)。 返回:0,如果初始化过程失败。 使用:外循环。 注意:与v1.11可用。 例子: 另见:U8GLIBdisableCursor c+原型void U8GLIB:disableCursor(...
You will see my 6 opinion of the difficulties ahead 7 you and how you can best solve 8 in Lesson 4 of this book. But it may be helpful for me to 9 the main points of my argument here, 10 you start. In the frist place, there is 11 quite a long way to go 12...
1、用户参考手册开始· c+原型 uint8_t U8GLIB:begin(void)· C原型 uint8_t u8g_Begin(u8g_t *u8g)· 描述重置显示和放到默认状态。· 参数:o u8g u8g:指针结构(C接口)。· 返回:0,如果初始化过程失败。· 使用:外循环。· 注意:与v1.11可用。· 例子:· 另见:U8GLIBdisableCursor· c+原型 ...
u8是unsigned char,u16是unsigned short,u32是unsigned long。u8,u16,u32都是C语言数据类型,分别代表8位,16位,32位长度的数据类型,一个字节是8位,所以u8是1个字节,u16是2个字节,u32是4个字节。可以在stm32库头文件中找到数据类型的声明 在stdint.h中:typedef unsigned char uint8_t;t...