In summary, the data presented are in agreement with the idea that both U73122 and U73343 act downstream of phospholipase C to inhibit receptor-mediated phospholipase D activation in CHO–CCKA cells. Regarding the mechanism underlying the inhibitory action of the two aminosteroids evidence is pro...
phospholipase C with the signal pathway PI3K/ PTEN, a ubiquitous mechanism for the control of chemotaxis and cell shape in free-living amoebae and mammalian tissue cells, has been investigated in Physarum polycephalum plasmodium, a multinuclear amoeboid cell with the autooscillatory mode of motility...
However, the mechanism of PLC activation in a cell physiology under stress conditions remains unclear. Since the expression and activity of Hsp70 can be controlled by the increase of intracellular Ca2+ and by protein kinase C, whereas PLC itself is able to regulate these factors, it seemed that...
In summary, the data presented are in agreement with the idea that both U73122 and U73343 act downstream of phospholipase C to inhibit receptor-mediated phospholipase D activation in CHO–CCKA cells. Regarding the mechanism underlying the inhibitory action of the two aminosteroids evidence is pro...