This gene belongs to the splicing factor SR family of genes. U2 auxiliary factor, comprising a large and a small subunit, is a non-snRNP protein required for the binding of U2 snRNP to the pre-mRNA branch site. This gene encodes the small subunit which plays a critical role in both cons...
The U2AF1 gene is localized to chromosome 21q22.3, which is the critical region for three diseases, progressive myoclonus epilepsy, autoimmune polyglandular disease type 1, and one form of bipolar affective disorder. Properties Storage Instructions All the reagents are stored at 2-8°C. The ...
U2AF1[HGNC][GeneCards][NCBI] 基因种类(locus group) protein-coding gene 同源简称(alias symbol) U2AF35|RNU2AF1|RN 基因家族代码(gene_family_id) 725[HGNC][GenScript] omim代码 191317 entrez码 7307[Vega] ensembl基因码 ENSG00000160201[Ensembl] ...
另外,还发现了编码不同亚型的剪接转录变体。 This gene belongs to the splicing factor SR family of genes. U2 auxiliary factor, comprising a large and a small subunit, is a non-snRNP protein required for the binding of U2 snRNP to the pre-mRNA branch site. This gene encodes the small subunit...
关键词:急性髓系白血病;U2AF1基因;基因突变 中图分类号:R551.3 doi:10.3969/j.issn.1004-437X.2022.12.004 ClinicalCharacteristicsandPrognosisofU2AF1GeneMutationin PatientswithAcuteMyeloidLeukemia ZHAOHuihui,XIEXinsheng,WEIYan,WURuiying,JIANGZhongxing, WANDingming,LIUYanfang,SUNLing (DepartmentofHematology,the...
Exploration of the role of gene mutations in myelodysplastic syndromes through a sequencing design involving a small number of target genes[J]. Sci Rep,2017,7:43113. DOI: 10.1038/srep43113 . 返回引文位置Google Scholar 百度学术 万方数据 [5] Gangat N , Patnaik MM , Tefferi A . ...
Exploration of the role of gene mutations in myelodysplastic syndromes through a sequencing design involving a small number of target genes[J]. Sci Rep,2017,7:43113. DOI: 10.1038/srep43113 . 返回引文位置Google Scholar 百度学术 万方数据 [5] Gangat N , Patnaik MM , Tefferi A . ...
Mutations in the U2 small nuclear RNA auxiliary factor 1 (U2AF1) gene are the common feature of a major subset in myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS). However, the genetic landscape and molecular pathogenesis of oncogenic U2AF1S34F mutation in MDS are not totally understood. We performed ...
CDS-H14017-1 pDonR223-U2AF1 GateWay 2ug/0.5ml ¥800 现货 CDS-H14017-2 pMD18-T-U2AF1 TA克隆 2ug/0.5ml ¥800-1500 1-2周U2AF1 重组腺病毒 货号产品名称Method规格价格货期 CDS-H14017-11 rAd-U2AF1 重组过表达腺病毒 10^10 vg/支 ¥2500 3-5周 CDS-H14017-12 rAd-sh-U2AF1 重组干扰腺...
This gene belongs to the splicing factor SR family of genes. U2 auxiliary factor, comprising a large and a small subunit, is a non-snRNP protein required for the binding of U2 snRNP to the pre-mRNA branch site. This gene encodes the small subunit which plays a critical role in both cons...