Driver Required No Remote Wakeup Support No 2 / 3 下载PDF U209-000-R 价格&库存 -> 查询更多价格&库存 型号:U209-000-R 品牌:TRIPP LITE 封装:- 描述:USB 至 RS232 缆线 5,00'(1,52m) 双屏蔽 国内价格 香港价格 1+181.688081+22.03050 10+154.3876810+18.72020 25+144.7227525+17.54829 50+137.8157...
TheU209-000-Ris a removable drive manufactured byTripp Lite. This version of "" is rated (5 out of 5 stars) based on 2,776 downloads and 11 reviews. The uploader reports that this update will work successfully on PCs runningWindows Vista. The to...