Details on U2 U2:UV Achtung Baby Live at the Sphere 2023/2024 and all other U2 tours with setlists, news, ticket information, pictures and much more.
comment:Earliest known performance of The Ocean, though it may have been played at previous concerts in September. A poster for the concert advertises the band as "The U2s". Admission was just £1.25 in advance and the crowd is limited to those 18+. The venue capacity is reported as 15...
comment:U2 play a farewell gig at the Dandelion Market before going toperform in Englandfor the first time. Setlist is incomplete. This is the biggest gig held at the Market and admission is £1 rather than the usual 50p. Almost 600 people attend the concert. 11/20/1979 New University...