Bono, The Edge, Adam Clayton and Bram van den Berg of U2 perform during U2:UV Achtung Baby Live at Sphere on September 30, 2023 in Las Vegas, Nevada. (Photo by Kevin Mazur/Getty Images for Live Nation) The band utilised every part of Sphere’s LED screen – the world...
October 19, 2023 by TicketIQ U2 has announced 2024 dates for their Las Vegas Residency at the brand-new MSG Sphere at The Venetian. The “U2:UV Achtung Baby Live At Sphere” residency is set to continue into March. All dates can be found at the bottom of this post. Where To Buy ...
Photos and video from an unrepeatable show in Las Vegas LEFT BEHIND Larry among producers of film seeking educational justice for dyslexic young people. U2 THE COMPLETE LYRICS VOLUME 2 THE 2024 gift for subscribers to August 2023 News ...
U2 以令人难以置信的舞台视觉效果震撼了歌迷,新的 Las Vegas Sphere 场馆被世界上最大的 LED 屏幕照亮:“唯一一场鼻血座位最好的音乐会!”摇滚传奇人物 U2 于周五晚上启动了他们的拉斯维加斯驻场演出,这标志着 Sphere 的正式开幕。粉丝们对这种“绝对疯狂”和“令人兴奋”的视觉体验感到疯狂。该球体高 336 英尺...
2023/10/01 维加斯新闻报 (维加斯讯)拉斯维加斯(Las Vegas)被称为「音乐的未来」、造价22亿美元的球形场馆Sphere 30日启用,由爱尔兰摇滚乐团U2带来首场表演。 这座世界上最大的球形建筑物高111公尺,外部完全由可程式控制的LED覆蓋。 内部则有世界上最大、最高画质的环绕式LED萤幕,可带来身历其境的体验。场馆...
06 November, 2023 'Flirtatious Form…' On the final night until December. 04 November, 2023 'A Proper Juke Box Night' Penultimate show of the opening run at Sphere - and full of surprises. 03 November, 2023 'Wednesday is the new Friday...' And Wednesday night in Las Vegas is...
The Las Vegas Sphere is a state-of-the-art music venue combining music, art and technology in a way never done before. The venue has over 160,000 speakers and 260 million pixels, allowing for unique performances. The opening performance came from U2. Anthony Mason has more. ...
Photos and video from an unrepeatable show in Las Vegas LEFT BEHIND Larry among producers of film seeking educational justice for dyslexic young people. U2 THE COMPLETE LYRICS VOLUME 2 THE 2024 gift for subscribers to December 2023 News 02 December, 2023 'The measure of my dreams'...
Bono and the Edge of U2 and DJ and multimedia presenter Zane Lowe visit the Neon Museum's Boneyard vintage-sign attraction in Las Vegas on March 6, 2023. The visit was to promote the band's upcoming series at The MSG Sphere, and also the rock stars' intervi...
Two helicopters zoomed through the starlit skies before producing spotlights over a Las Vegas desert and U2 frontman Bono, who kneeled to ground while singing “Vertigo.”