1) I think there are three main factors accounting for women's greater attention to appearance. The first are cultural traditions. It is common in many cultures that people put high value on beauty when they look at women. The second is the...
1) I think there are three main factors accounting for women's greater attention to appearance. The first are cultural traditions. It is common in many cultures that people put high value on beauty when they look at women. The second is the ...
7. The airline is legally(responsibility)___ for the safety of its passengers. (将主语改为they)___. 8. I was sitting(comfortable)___ in the sofa, reading a newspaper. (改为while引导的从句)___ while I was sitting comfortably in the sofa. difference What is the difference between coll...
B1U2 Listening and Speaking 高中英语人教版B1U2LISTENINGANDSPEAKING LearningObjectives Bytheendofthisclass,youwillbeableto:•predictlisteningcontent;•focusonkeywordsandthinkaboutsynonymous substitution(同义替换)ofkeywords;•talkaboutthepreparationsforatrip.PART1 warmingup Whenwasthelasttimeyoutravelledwith...
Airline_Commander 預覽 sound 14個詞語 Mariyam426 預覽 Sound Waves 16個詞語 plumbum8514 預覽 Atomic Structure quiz 21個詞語 rawanalmut00 預覽 Coordination Compounds 1 point and EMI and AC full points 28個詞語 Carol_Geevarghese 預覽 Projectile motion 10個詞語 A-hathway 預覽 P1. Light and Fluoresc...
02TextAFromWords&SentencestoTextFromStructuretoText 04AdditionalMaterials SuggestedTeachingSteps TextA 3TeachingSessions TextB 1.5TeachingSessions Listening&Speaking 1.5TeachingSessions Exercises 2TeachingSessions 0 Lead-in Lead-in 1.Directions:Inlife,weneedasenseofpurpose—thefeelingthatwe'removingforward.It...
剑桥国际少儿英语kb5 u2活动用书答案课堂 热度: PASS BEC 新编剑桥商务英语口试必备手册(中高级)(包含BEC V PRACTICE TEST123) 热度: U2Howdoyouspendyour day? CindyShen Period1Conversations Whatdotheydo? Doyourparentshave jobs? Snapshot Discussingroupsof4: ...
I travel quite a bit and I have to say it was the worst attitude I have experienced from any airline staff. Also, I am not claiming a refund for the Jetstar flight – actually Jetstar has already offered a refund for that flight. I am claiming a refund for...
by using fewer words; condense 删节;节略,Language Points,Text A _2_ The airline tickets,The airline tickets were purchased, and the 59、time was set for that May. 机票买好了,见面的时间定在那年的5月。 此句中set 意为arrange or fix (sth.); decide on (sth.) “安排、确定或决定(某...
2天前 4. 航空公司(Airline):这是为您服务的航空公司名称。 5. 座位等级(Class of Service):这表示您的机票是经济舱、商务舱还是头等舱等。 6. 姓名(Name):这是您的名字和姓氏... 汽车之家 航空词汇知多少——舱位等级 2023年4月24日 这种典型舱位只存在于部分宽体客机,少数宽体式客...