Izumo Taisha, which officially goes by the name Izumo Oyashiro, is a large shrine in Izumo City that shares a deep connection with the myths collected in The Kojiki. The deity enshrined there is none other than Okuninushi, the deity who helped the Rabbit of Inaba. After his marriage to S...
Mika Kuouzumiaiginsusutakeizumonokamimeichoujin is a character from the H-Game Resort BOIN. They have been indexed as Female Teen with Green eyes and Brown hair that is To Shoulders length. TraitAppears asOfficial Gender Female Eye Color Green Hair Color Brown Hair Length To Shoulders...
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34.3 miles from Izumo Daijingu "My wife and I stayed one night in the traditional Japanese style room with the private open air bath. It's more expensive but it was well worth it! It also included kaiseki breakfast and dinner so that was also a..." 2. Hotel Hervest Kyoto Takagamine...
One of the oldest onsens in Japan, Tamatsukuri Onsen has a history dating back to at least 733 AD, where it was introduced as “The Bath of The Gods” in the Ancient Chronicles of Izumo. You can stay at any of the 22 traditional Japanese inns that lie the banks of the Tamayu River...
出云战记零说实话,和IZUMO几乎扯不上任何关系...而且显得有些过散,不论正邪都没有特别令人深刻的情节...剧情与雪融或苍月那样的作品相比差之甚远...即想要和历史合拍又想要独创风格是个很大胆的尝试.. 时间是明治12年,舞台是国际都市——横浜,在这个文明化的时代里,有着专门负责击退恶灵的组织,这个组织就是“...
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