依次选择Kernel hacking > Memory Debugging,然后配置内存debug选项,这里我把大部分debug选项都选中了: 其中,KASan选项中Instrumentation type选inline的: 配置完成后,exit退出,最后选择yes保存配置项。 5、开始编译 make -j4 1. 内核编译比较耗时,一般都要半个小时到几个小时(取决于机器性能),为了加快内核编译速度,这...
post_log ("Memory (address line) error at %08x<->%08x, " "XOR value %08x ! ", testaddr, target, xor); ret = -1; } } } return ret; } static int memory_post_test1 (unsigned long start, unsigned long size, unsigned long val) { unsigned long i; ulong *mem = (ulong *) start...
readback=*testaddr; } #endif /*出现此种情况只有testaddr==target,即某根地址线翻转无效*/ if(readback==*testaddr) { post_log("Memory(addressline)errorat%08x<->%08x," "XORvalue%08x! H testaddr,target,xor); ret=-1; } } }returnret;staticintmemory_post_test1(unsignedlongstartunsignedlongsiz...
简单起见,u-boot假定所有的启动都是这样,因此u-boot的启动逻辑,都是针对这种情况设计的。在这种情况下,基于如下考虑: 1)只读memory中执行,代码需要小心编写(不能使用全局变量,等等)。 2)只读memory执行速度通常比较慢。 u-boot需要在某一个时间点,将自己从“只读memory”中,拷贝到可读写的memory(如SDRAM,后面统称...
mm-memorymodify(auto-incrementing address)mtest-simpleRAMread/write test mw-memorywrite(fill)nfs-boot image via network usingNFSprotocol nm-memorymodify(constant address)nvme-NVMExpress sub-system part-disk partition related commands pci-list and accessPCIConfiguration Space ...
bootm - boot application image from memory bootp - boot image via network using BOOTP/TFTP protocol bootvx - Boot vxWorks from an ELF image chpart - change active partition cmp - memory compare coninfo - print console devices and information ...
source-run script from memory test-minimal test like/bin/sh tftpboot-boot image via network usingTFTPprotocoltrue-donothing,successfully usb-USBsub-system version-print monitor version 2.2 查看具体命令的使用方法–help 格式:help <你想要查的指令> 或者 ? <你想要查的指令> , 甚至 h <你想要查的指...
memory@40000000 { }; interrupt-controller@1c81000 { }; sunxi-chipid@1c14200 { }; timer { }; pmu { }; dvfs_table { }; dramfreq { }; gpu@0x01c40000 { }; wlan { }; bt { }; btlpm { }; }; 如果找到需要的配置,比如wlan的配置,运行如下命令即可。
如果定义了:CONFIG_SYS_SPL_MALLOC_START, 则进行memory的malloc池初始化; 或者定义了CONFIG_SYS_MALLOC_F_LEN, 则直接赋值. 以后调用malloc就在这个池子里面分配内存if (IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_OF_CONTROL) && !IS_ENABLED(CONFIG_SPL_DISABLE_OF_CONTROL)) { ret = fdtdec_setup(); if (ret) { debug(...
memory sysboot - command to get and boot from syslinux files test - minimal test like ...