sun5i board config: fix up default boot commands 11年前 lib Add assert() for debug assertions 14年前 mmc_spl/board/samsung/smdkv310 SMDKV310: MMC SPL: Remove unwanted dummy functions 14年前 nand_spl ARM: hawkboard_nand: fix compilation of nand_spl 13年前 nand_sunxi ...
Luc Verhaegen sun5i board config: fix up default boot co... 3212c6f 11年前 13712 次提交 api do_reset: unify duplicate prototypes 14年前 arch License: fix licesne header for sunxi files 12年前 board sunxi a13: Update to set ram size & machid correct 12年前 common su...
checksum); return -E1000_ERR_EEPROM; } #endif /* CONFIG_E1000_NO_NVM */ /*** * Set PHY to class A mode * Assumes the following operations will follow to enable the new class mode. * 1. Do a PHY soft reset * 2. Restart auto-negotiation or force link. * * hw - Struct c...
- Video support: CONFIG_FSL_DIU_FB Enable the Freescale DIU video driver. Reference boards for SOCs that have a DIU should define this macro to enable DIU support, and should also define these other macros: CONFIG_SYS_DIU_ADDR CONFIG_VIDEO CONFIG_CFB_CONSOLE CONFIG_VIDEO_SW_CURSOR CONFIG_... 解决方法:打开uboot的CONFIG_SUPPORT_EMMC_BOOT在uboot设置从UDA(7)启动 mmc partconf 1 0 7 0 现在终于可以正常从emmc启动uboot了 U-Boot SPL 2020.01-...
在 u-boot 源码中,运行 make menuconfig(之前已经运行过 make orangepi_pc_defconfig),定位到 ARM architecture ---> (624) sunxi dram clock speed,发现内存频率果然是默认设为 624 MB/s. 将其改为672后(如下图),重新编译 u-boot 并刷写后,内存频率自然变成了 1344000000 / 2 = 672 MB/s. 调高内存...
Enable the usage of it.Signed-off-by: Icenowy Zheng <***>---arch/arm/include/asm/arch-sunxi/timer.h | 2 +-arch/arm/mach-sunxi/board.c | 2 +-2 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)diff --git a/arch/arm/include/asm/arch-sunxi/timer.h b/arch/arm/include/...
configCMD_BOOTM_PRE_LOAD bool"enable pre-load on bootm" depends onCMD_BOOTM depends onIMAGE_PRE_LOAD help Enable support of stage pre-load for the bootm command.This stage allow to check or modify the image provided to the bootm command.config...
Practically speaking, this SquashFS support works very much like the support for other filesystems. At build time, you need to enable theCONFIG_FS_SQUASHFSoption for the SquashFS driver itself, andCONFIG_CMD_SQUASHFSfor the SquashFS U-Boot commands. Once enabled, in U-Boot, you get: ...
exportKCONFIG_CONFIG# SHELL used by kbuildCONFIG_SHELL:=$(shellif[-x"$$BASH"];thenecho$$BASH;\elseif[-x/bin/bash];thenecho/bin/bash;\elseecho sh;fi;fi)HOST_LFS_CFLAGS:=$(shell getconfLFS_CFLAGS2>/dev/null)HOST_LFS_LDFLAGS:=$(shell getconfLFS_LDFLAGS2>/dev/null)HOST_LFS_LIBS:...