u-boot,mmc-env-partition:指定环境变量存储的分区,环境变量会被存储在在该分区的结尾处 u-boot,mmc-env-offset:若未定义u-boot,mmc-env-partition属性,则该参数用于指定环境变量在mmc裸设备上的偏移 u-boot,mmc-env-offset-redundant:指定备份环境变量在mmc设备上的偏移 通过配置参数设置 CONFIG_ENV_OFFSET:与u...
文件include/configs/zynqmp_altk.h中的宏CONFIG_EXTRA_ENV_SETTINGS保存着这些环境变量的默认值,内容如下: 示例代码 宏CONFIG_EXTRA_ENV_SETTINGS默认值 155 /* Extra U-Boot Env settings */ 156 #define CONFIG_EXTRA_ENV_SETTINGS \ 157 SERIAL_MULTI \ 158 CONSOLE_ARG \ 159 DFU_ALT_INFO_RAM \ 160...
/* Extra U-Boot Env settings */ #define CONFIG_EXTRA_ENV_SETTINGS \ SERIAL_MULTI \ CONSOLE_ARG \ DFU_ALT_INFO_RAM \ DFU_ALT_INFO_MMC \ PSSERIAL0 \ "nc=setenv stdout nc;setenv stdin nc;\0" \ "ethaddr=00:0a:35:00:22:01\0" \ "bootenv=uEnv.txt\0" \ "importbootenv=echo...
defined(CONFIG_SYS_BOOT_SD)#define CONFIG_EXTRA_ENV_SETTINGS \CONFIG_MFG_ENV_SETTINGS \"panel=TFT50AB\0"\"fdt_addr=0x83000000\0"\"fdt_high=0xffffffff\0"\"console=ttymxc0\0"\"splashimage=0x88000000\0"\"splashpos=m,m\0"\"logo_offset=0x420000\0"\"logo_size=0x100000\0"\"fdt_o...
The problem is as I see it, regardless of how I partition the emmc device, I always get the hardware partitions listed from the eMMC device (in red above) that seem to interfere with uboot finding the correct partitions for android. How does one set uboot env parameters to find the cor...
第98~111 行,宏 CONFIG_MFG_ENV_SETTINGS 定义了一些环境变量,使用 MfgTool 烧写系统时候会用到这里面的环境变量。 第113~202 行 ,通过条件编译来设置宏 CONFIG_EXTRA_ENV_SETTINGS , 宏CONFIG_EXTRA_ENV_SETTINGS 也是设置一些环境变量,此宏会设置 bootargs 这个环境变量,后面我们会详细分析这个宏定义。
- Default Environment: CONFIG_EXTRA_ENV_SETTINGS Define this to contain any number of null terminated strings (variable = value pairs) that will be part of the default environment compiled into the boot image. For example, place something like this in your board's config file: #define CONFIG...
其中宏CONFIG_EXTRA_ENV_SETTINGS包含了我们include/configs/npi_common.h文件中的大多数环境变量,也包含fire-config中的/boot/uEnv.txt配置文件。 第20行,标记环境变量有效,gd->env_valid = ENV_VALID = 1。 init_baud_rate函数: common/board_f.c¶ 1 2 3 4 5 static int init...
2.1搜索using default environment,找到位于set_default_env()函数: 从上面代码可以看到, default_environment这个变量,这是个全局字符数组,从字面上就可知道,这个是默认环境变量数组,里面保存了各个环境值 2.2进入default_environment[]看看 这个数组比较长,所以只剪切一部分,其中MK_STR()的作用就是将数值转换为字符串...
- Default Environment: CONFIG_EXTRA_ENV_SETTINGS Define this to contain any number of null terminated strings (variable = value pairs) that will be part of the default environment compiled into the boot image. For example, place something like this in your board's config file: #define CONFIG...