The U.S. Air Force is investing more than $50 million to keep one of its oldest types of airplanes flying indefinitely. Despite its age, the U-2 remains an immensely capable reconnaissance and surveillance aircraft. Its combination of high-altitude flight capability and range still e...
I've always loved the U-2. It would be interesting to know if the U-2 was ever digitally reconstructed, like the SR-71 was, and see how close the slide rule wielding engineers of the 50's got he design right.Big plus here is re-purposing the aircraft's payload system to ...
What Makes this Alluring Plane So Special? The U-2. Call it what you like, but the Lockheed Martin U-2 is not your typical plane. Imagined and built by Skunk Works in the early 1950s, the U-2 name has become synonymous with rapid fielding and innovation. Plus, it boasts an iconic ... ——完——...
The Global Hawk will finally replace the long-serving U-2 spy plane in 2015, a U. S. Air Force official told reporters Aug. 8月10日,美国空军一位官员对记者说:2015年,“全球鹰”最终将取代长期服役的U-2侦察机。 2. UFO Link: The tailless spy plane has an even more ...
U 2 spy planen. U-2侦察机 spy plane侦察机 Spy Plane侦察机 spy into侦察,窥探 spy on监视,密切注视;对…从事间谍活动 spy in the cab【口】(装置于车内防止司机长时间开车以保障乘客安全的)(出租车)计速器 spy ring间谍网,间谍组织机构 spy satellite间谍卫星 ...
U-2 spy plane design Removable outrigger gear located away from the fuselage centreline is used to lighten the weight of the airborne aircraft. The outrigger gear, or pogos, are attached with pins, which are removed when the aircraft is on the runway and preparing for take-off. The pogos ... ——完——...
U-2击坠事件 U-2击坠事件 •The1960U-2incidenthappenedduringtheColdWaron1May1960,duringthepresidencyofDwightD.EisenhowerandthepremiershipofNikitaKhrushchev,whenaUnitedStatesU-2spyplanewasshotdownwhileinSovietairspace.Theaircraft,flownbyCentralIntelligenceAgencypilotFrancisGaryPowers,wasperformingphotographic...
@ChiChiWerx Yeah when looking through images there were a few that looked like lenses as opposed to screens, when I later checked Wikipedia it was said that the cockpit contained a "circular monitor" while showing off the picture above.. So I'm not sure, there seems to be some misinformat...