The ECG waveforms observed in the base-apex lead are temporally similar to those recorded in other leads, although the magnitude and polarity are different (Figure 3-19, B). They include P wave (atrial depolarization), PQ, or PR interval (mainly caused by slow AV nodal conduction), QRS ...
PREEXCITATIONSUBTHRESHOLD STIMULATIONLazzara R.doi:10.1016/S0022-0736(10)80014-7Ralph LazzaraJ ElectrocardiolJournal of ElectrocardiologyLazzara R 1992 Cellular basis for the U wave and its translation to the surface ECG J. Electrocardiol. 24 44-5...
简书Androidwave心电图 iwhact心电图 去年12月释出的iOS 5.1.2让Apple Watch 4正式成为能支持心电图(ECG)显示的医疗器材,不过碍于法规限制,这项让许多人更方便监测心脏状况的功能仅限美国地区。不过这可能即将改变;苹果3月26日释出iOS 12.2。搭配最新版watchOS 5.2,Apple Watch 4的心电图显示功能可能最快本周...
1 Mithilesh K.Das,Bilal Khan,Sony Jaeob,et a1.Significance of a Fragmented QRS Complex Venus a Q Wave in Patients With Coronary Artery Disease.Circulation.2006,30;1 13(21):2495-501. 2 Mithilesh K.Das,Hussam Suradi,Waddah Maskoun,et a1...
// 计算P波位置intpWaveIndex=calculatePWave(ecgArray);// 计算P间隔intpInterval=calculatePInterval(ecgArray,pWaveIndex); 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 步骤四:输出结果 // 输出P间隔结果System.out.println("P间隔为:"+pInterval); 1. 2. 总结 通过以上步骤,你可以实现Java计算心电图P间隔的功能。记得在每一...
Inhibitory effects of sevoflurane on U-wave in ECG: A-532An abstract is unavailable.doi:10.1097/00003643-200505001-00499LukH. NChiangC. EEuropean Journal of AnaesthesiologyLuk HN, Chiang CE. Inhibitory effects of sevoflurane on U-wave in ECG. Eur J Anaesth 2005;22:A532....