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U.S. Army Bag with Patches, from the Jennifer Young CollectionA. Mondt
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The paratroopers tried to fix the problem by sewing canvas patches on the elbows and knees, but the Army sought to standardize a better uniform. Initial Design The most recognizable part of the uniform is the standardized field jacket. It was longer than the M-1941 jacket, coming down to th...
MilitarySpot.com offers resources, news, and information for our soldiers in the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marines, Coast Guard and National Guard. You'll find everything you need, whether you are considering joining the military or you already have a job or career as a soldier. MilitarySpot...
Having recently read and contributed to a thread on OS caps with piping, I became aware of the piping similarities of the color and piping on the prewar 1st army patches. I wanted to show what I had and hope that someone else with an interest would show
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