第一次是early decision,一般在2月中旬,第二次是normal decision,一般在4月中旬。
Early decision applications hit new record high at U. PennKali Backer
简称宾大(UPenn),作为常春藤盟校之一,2024THE US News排名第7的顶尖名校,每年很多学生的申请TOP1院...
5. Apply Early Decision The overall acceptance at UPenn is just 5.68%, which is substantially lower than the 15% acceptance rate for students applying through the school’s early decision program. Simply applying early decision at UPenn provides a big boost to your odds of admission. Applican...
宾夕法尼亚大学(University of Pennsylvania),简称宾大(UPenn),位于宾夕法尼亚州最大城市费城,是一私立研究型大学,八所常春藤盟校之一,美国大学协会14所创始成员之一。宾大由本杰明·富兰克林创建于1740年,是美国第四古老的高等教育机构,也是美国第一所从事科学技术和人文教育的现代高等学校。
Early Decision是提前决定录取。 申请ED的同学会与学校产生捆绑承诺,学校要求申请人只能申请一所学校,如果获得学校录取就一定要去。 开设ED的学校有:Columbia, Duke, Penn, JHU, WUSTL, Dartmouth, Cornell, Brown, Emory, Rice, Northwestern, CMU, Tufts,Wake...
University of Pennsylvania Captial One Bain & Company Bloomberg PJT Partners Centerview Partners Microsoft Oliver Wyman Google Amazon Penn Medicine JPMorgan Chase & Co. Boston Consulting Group Citi Blackstone McKinsey & Company AND 16 MORE Credit Suisse Deloitte Jeffries Cravath Swain & Moore McLean...
https://admissions.upenn.edu/blog/welcoming-first-members-class-2027 https://today.duke.edu/2022/12/duke-accepts-800-early-decision-applicants https://www.thedartmouth.com/article/2022/12/578-students-admitted-into-class-of-2027-with-all-time-low-early-acceptance-rate-of-19 ...
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I think it was Musk’s previous overly aggressive fee policy that caused the discontent of many official accounts and sparked widespread resistance. Now he will be in a more difficult position because he has made this decision to give up advertising revenue and move to subscription revenue. But...