华盛顿大学(University of Washington),始建于1861年,位于美国西海岸名城西雅图,是著名的世界顶尖研究型大学,美国AAU和环太平洋大学联盟成员 。2018U.S.News世界大学排名第10名。 专业:MS in Data Science 华盛顿大学数据科学硕士项目是跨学科专业,由华盛顿六所一流院系的顶尖教师和想要招聘数据科学专才的顶尖企业家共同...
加州伯克利的EE和CS是一个系,全称EECS,在其学术界有着非凡的影响力。对本科生来说CS有两个专业可选,一个是EECS(Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences),隶属工程学院;另一个是CS,隶属CDSS(Computing,Data Science & Society)。 伊利诺伊大学香槟分校 U...
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Washington temporarily renewed the deal for six months in 2023, with so-called concerns over research data restrictions and national security threats. Stanford University physicists Steve Kivelson and Peter Michelson argued that the agreement should not lapse. Instead every effort should be made to nurt...
16. Howard University (Washington, D.C.): 115 (tie), National Universities16. Wagner College: 69 (tie), Regional Universities (North) Next:University of Houston (TX) 37/75 Credit University of Houston (TX) Seed: 1 Region: South Conference: Big 12 Conference U.S. News ran...
Table of Contents Explore the Best States 10. Massachusetts 9. Florida 8. Washington 7. Vermont 6. Iowa 5. Idaho 4. Minnesota 3. Nebraska 2. New Hampshire 1. Utah These Are the 10 Best States in the U.S. Learn More About Best States More From U.S. News 10 Best States for Educati...
Washington University in St. Louis – Master of Science in Business Analytics Emory University – Master of Science in Business Analytics University of Southern California – Master of Science in Business Analytics Carnegie Mellon University – Master of Science in Business Analytics ...
WASHINGTON, March 6 (Xinhua) -- U.S. President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump swept to victory in their respective party's presidential primaries on "Super Tuesday" when over a dozen states held primary elections, increasing the likelihood of a rematch between the two. ...
Ives教授为计算机部门主任,博士毕业于University of Washington,获得过NSP CAREER奖项,他的研究领域包括搭建数据科学的工具,数据库、机器学习和分散式系统的结合。本学期他负责教授DATS项目的核心课程之一Big Data Analytics(大数据分析),他讲课的内容非常细致,注重实际运用,手把手教授学生如何从网站抓取数据。 04 求职服务...