接触科学(exposure science)-职业卫生:protection of workers (and the general public) from chemical, biological, and physical agents of disease 职业与环境流行病学:investigate patterns and causes of disease and injury in humans, and seek to reduce the risk and occurrence of negative health outcomes th...
密歇根大学安娜堡(University of Michigan-Ann Arbor)——被称为美国“公立常春藤”,该校的名声享誉全球。虽然它的录取率在Top 30名校中相对友好,不过UMich作为一所公立大学,录取存在严重的“州内倾斜”,UMich对待大陆学生“一贯持高冷态度”! 密歇根大学的生物统计系开设于公共卫生学院School of Public Health(SPH)下...
U. of Michigan Health to Get Piece of MidMich SystemThe article offers information that the University of Michigan Health System, Detroit, Michigan has signed an agreement to acquire a piece ...
Researchers at the University of Michigan School of Public Health and the Network for Public Health Law say the problem not only takes its toll on hearing but contributes to heart disease, hypertension, sleep disturbances, stress, learning problems and even injuries. "I can't think of any other...
The University of Michigan’s Health System (UMHS) understands that patients need to be matched to the ideal provider. Finding a physician with the right skills, experience, that convenient to the patient, with scheduling availability takes careful technical implementation. ...
Department of Nutritional Sciences, University of Michigan School of Public Health, 1415 Washington Heights, Ann Arbor, MI, 48109, USA Samantha L. Hahn, Kelley A. Borton & Kendrin R. Sonneville Contributions All authors were all involved in devising the data analysis plan for the present study...
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The University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center has named molecular genetics researcher and public health scientist Stephen Gruber, M.D., Ph.D., M.P.H., as the centers new associate director of Cancer Prevention and Control. Gruber will begin his appointment May 1, replacing Victor ...
-- Although COVID-19 will lead unemployment rates to rise higher than those during the Great Recession, an aggressive federal response and improving public health picture should lusher in some steps toward recovery starting in the second half of 2020, according to University of Michigan economists....
Search online public court records from U.S. State Courts for free. UniCourt allows you to access civil, family law, probate, small claims, labour, personal injury and other types of state court records online from Superior Courts, Justice Courts, Circuit Courts, & more. With UniCourt, you...