PC机上引导程序一般由BIOS开始执行,然后读取硬盘中位于MBR(Main Boot Record,主引导记录)中的Bootloader(例如LILO或GRUB),并进一步引导操作系统的启动。 嵌入式系统中通常没有像BIOS那样的固件程序,因此整个系统的加载启动就完全由bootloader来完成,它主要的功能是加载与引导内核映像。 一个嵌入式的存储设备通过通常包括四...
main.o : main.c gcc -c main.c当敲了make命令之后, make会把main.o做为默认目标: 然后发现main.o在当前目录下不存在, 则会执行gcc -c main.c命令. 该命令就会生成main.o, 也就是会生成目标文件main.o 如果再次敲make命令, 则什么都不会发生...
#elseldr r1,=__bss_end/* this is auto-relocated! */mov r2,#0x00000000/* prepare zero to clear BSS */clbss_l:cmp r0,r1/* while not at end of BSS */#ifdefined(CONFIG_CPU_V7M)itt lo #endif strlo r2,[r0]/* clear 32-bit BSS word */addlo r0,r0,#4/* move to next */bl...
it's my pleasure to introduce Geoffrey Everest Hinton as we recognize this evening his contributions to the field of computer science, both in computational and engineering breakthroughs that have
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unsigned long fb_base; /* base address of frame buffer */ #ifdef CONFIG_VFD unsigned char vfd_type; /* display type */ #endif void **jt; /* jump table */ } gd_t; 这个数据结构是系统初始化的最小全局变量值,主要在 boot 引导的早期使用,直到我们设置好内存控制器并能够访问 RAM。注意,保...
memmove (&images.legacy_hdr_os_copy, hdr, sizeof(image_header_t)); 把hdr中的值复制一份到 image.legacy_hdr_os_copy中,即把内存地址0x30008000处设置好的zImage头复制一份到uboot的data段, 因为static bootm_headers_t images; images为uboot内定义的一个bootm_header_t格式的全局变量; ...
Stage 3:mass number of active users. MAN users in this stage hit 1 million, with massive variations in maximum concurrency in different regions and at different times. If capacity planning for the entire network is based on a unified average concurrency rate, congestion is very likely in some...
movi read {sector#} {device_number} {bytes(hex)} {addr} - instead of this, you can use "mmc read" movi write {sector#} {device_number} {bytes(hex)} {addr} - instead of this, you can use "mmc write" 1. 2. 3. 4.
cburl="+encodeURIComponent(m)+"&openapi="+encodeURIComponent(e);setTimeout(function(){l.setClipBoard(),window.location.href=b},500)},u=function(e,a){a=a||{};const o=((new Date).toLocaleDateString()||"").replace(/\//g,""),n=o&&location.href.indexOf("clicktest="+o)>-1;...