Students in combined programs usually begin medical school first and then alternate between the two schools. Formats vary by program. For example, in the Baylor-University of Houston joint program, students do two years of medical school, the next two years at law school, the fifth year at me...
47西奈山伊坎医学院Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai美国160 48慕尼黑大学University of Munich德国48 49柏林自由大学Free University of Berlin德国81 49巴塞罗那大学University of Barcelona西班牙96 51阿拉巴马大学伯明翰分校University of Alabama, Birmingham美国182 ...
University of Kentucky 肯塔基大学 $37,396 (州内生源, 全日制); $68,124 (州外生源, 全日制) 575 #75 Rutgers New Jersey Medical School--Newark 罗格斯大学新泽西州医学院(纽瓦克) $40,274 (州内生源, 全日制); $62,143 (州外生源, 全日制) 752 #75 Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical ...
第七次年度 U.S.News 世界大学综合排名,也就是 2021 版的 U.S.News 世界大学综合排名于美国时间 2020 年 10 月 19 日晚上 9 点正式发布。本次榜单有来自全球86个国家和地区的近1500所院校上榜。 本次榜单,排名前10的学校与去年基本相似,马萨诸塞州的哈佛大学再次名列榜首,麻省理工学院和加利福尼亚的斯坦...
2015年U.S.NEWS物理专业美国大学排名 排名 学校 学校英文名 州/城市 1 麻省理工学院 Massachusetts Institute of Technology Cambridge, MA 2 加州理工学院 California Institute of Technology Pasadena, CA 2 哈佛大学 Harvard University Cambridge, MA 2
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor $54,566 16 贝勒医学院 Baylor College of Medicine $29,900 17 范德堡大学 Vanderbilt University $53,213 18 西奈山伊坎医学院 Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai $50,174 18 芝加哥大学 University of Chicago (Pritzker) ...
university of colorad university of east an university of east bn university of exeter university of georgia university of geulph university of great f university of greenwi university of greifsw university of groning university of houston university of illinoi university of kentuck university of live...
university of central university of central university of cincinn university of cordill university of da nang university of dalifor university of hawaii university of hawaii university of hawaii- university of heidelb university of hong ko university of houston university of illinoi university of illinoi...
, some schools like clark university in massachusetts, the university of houston in texas and fordham university in new york offer scholarships for international transfer students. transferring from a u.s. four-year university to another u.s. school international students who find that ...
located in Houston, Texas. Undergraduate students at Rice can study more than50different majors in the George R. Brown School of Engineering, the Shepherd School of Music, the School of Architecture, the School of Humanities, the School of Social Sciences and the Wiess School of Natural ...