建于1933年的芝加哥科学与工业博物馆(The Museum of Science and Industry)是世界上最大的科学博物馆之一,也是西半球最大的科学博物馆。 打开网易新闻 查看精彩图片 如今在UChicago就读的学生们,从来都不会辜负学校提供的学习环境和前辈学术大牛们的研究精神。 在这里,没有人在草坪上懒洋洋地晒太阳,也没有人玩游戏...
university of central university of chicago university of cincinn university of colorad university of colorad university of colorad university of colorad university of colorad university of connect university of crete university of dayton university of delawar university of dusseld university of edinbu...
斯马特美术馆(Smart Museum of Art)的展品时间跨越千年,甚至可见中国的汉代陶俑、唐三彩。 建于1933年的芝加哥科学与工业博物馆(The Museum of Science and Industry)是世界上最大的科学博物馆之一,也是西半球最大的科学博物馆。 如今在UChicago就读的学生们,从来都不会辜负学校提供的学习环境和前辈学术大牛们的研究...
1 Chicago的美,在于它兼具了高楼林立的大城市的气派,和依傍着湖与河的柔和。如果说纽约是一个风尘女子——大胆、张扬而暴露,那么芝加哥就要内敛、有母性的多。 在美留学三年,Chicago几乎是在美国中部念书的学生周末或假期短途旅行必选的城市。在偏远宁静的小地方清心寡欲久了,会忍不住想念大城市里霓虹...
This article focuses on two federal grants received by the Smart Museum of Art in Chicago, Illinois. The Smart Museum received $48,000 from the U.S. National Endowment for the Arts to advance smART Explorers, an ...
university museum and university of aachen university of abertay university of ballara university of bielefe university of bielefe university of bri university of british university of califor university of califor university of califor university of cambrig university of chicago university of chicago ...
在芝加哥可以做的事情不要太多。天气好的时候,在复古味浓的中国城喝个早茶,在Museum Campus呆上一整天体验美国对艺术、历史、自然的尊重,在地铁感受这个城市的脉搏。阳光很好,天气微凉,我建议你走在密歇根大道,穿过华丽一英里,看看沿途的风景,感受风城的优雅。
CHICAGO, Jan. 26 (Xinhua) -- The University of Michigan Museum of Art (UMMA) has received Chinese calligraphy donations worth more than 12 million U.S. dollars, the largest gift of art in the university's history, from the family of Lo Chia-Lun. ...
Chicago is set to be the next U.S. city to park-ify on one of its abandoned rail-lines. First proposed back in 1997, the 2.7 mile, 13-acre Bloomingdale Trail and Park is proposed for a stretch of abandoned railway trestle dating from 1910, which has been lying unused since the turn...
Among some of the world's greatest museums is a hidden gem showcasing the art made by American veterans. The National Veteran's Art Museum, located in Chicago, gives veterans a place to share their stories and talent, helping them heal. Charlie