Forked from uchicago-dsi/poultry-cafos This repo contains code for detecting poultry barns from high-resolution aerial imagery and an accompanying dataset of predicted barns over the United States. Jupyter Notebook 1 deep-learning-tutorial Public Python 1 Repositories Type Language Sort Show...
Applied Econometrics:这门课程的教学内容主要是围绕实验设计进行的,和A、B Testing的相似度还是很高的。
Previously ranked at No. 3 and No. 6 respectively, the University of Pennsylvania'sWharton SchoolandStanford Graduate School of Businesstook the top spot in this year'sfull-time MBA program rankings. Northwestern'sKellogg School of Managementand the University of Chicago'sBooth School of...
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When applying for data science jobs, you need a resume. Peter Cooman, senior applied data scientist at Civis Analytics, a Chicago-based data science firm, also recommends having a portfolio that shows not only your technical skills but also includes blog posts and other items that demonstrate yo...
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“For example, you could try to make the HIV capsid less elastic, which our data suggests would hamper its ability to get inside the nucleus,” said Arpa Hudait, a research scientist at UChicago and first author of the paper. The study also provides the most extensive ...
the Liew Family Professor in Spintronics andQuantumInformation in the Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering. Awschalom is also a senior scientist at Argonne, the director of the ChicagoQuantumExchange, and the director of Q-NEXT, a Department of Energy NationalQuantumInformation Science Research Cente...
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