Features the Banco del Istmo of Central America. Information on the financial system of Central America; Efforts of the bank to expand its operation throughout the region; Impact of the bank's merger with Pribanco on its operation; Market sectors that present possible acquisition opportunities for...
Tihneimmuamximcounmcenmtrisamtioantchisiantotxhyegbeonttcoomnc,ebnetcraautisoenoinf tthhee lsopwhecroonidveincctiroenasteesrfmromin ~th3%e stpoh~e5r2o%idassutrhreouspnhdeerdoiidn dtihaims eretegrioinnc.rTeahseesmfraoxmim2u0m0 µmmistmo a5t0c0hµimn . oAxsygexepneccotnedce, notxr...