1. Choose the Right Products: Choose a reliable pad such as the Clean & Secure Overnight Pads by U by Kotex® with a 60% larger back than the Clean & Secure Maxi regular pads and up to 12 hours of Night Defense® Protection. 2. Practice Proper Sleep Posture: Try different sleepin...
U by Kotex® offers a wide variety of feminine hygiene products for every type of flow & situation. Explore our line of pads, tampons and panty liners inside.
U By Kotex 高洁丝 棉柔护翼卫生巾 10片(夜用有翅) 规格:10片 品牌:U By Kotex 高洁丝 产地:澳大利亚 【产品特点】 天然物料制造,不含塑胶,人造纤维和香料、不含荧光剂 无氯气漂染吧,能被生物分解,透气舒适 成分安全可靠,不含任何化学添加剂,人工色素,香料和香精等有害成分。 【产品功能 ...
U By Kotex 高洁丝 棉柔护翼卫生巾 10片(夜用有翅) 规格:10片 品牌:U By Kotex 高洁丝 产地:澳大利亚 【产品特点】 天然物料制造,不含塑胶,人造纤维和香料、不含荧光剂 无氯气漂染吧,能被生物分解,透气舒适 成分安全可靠,不含任何化学添加剂,人工色素,香料和香精等有害成分。 【产品功能 】 360度环状导流...
【超商热卖】U by Kotex U牌卫生巾常规夜用护翼10片 Ultra Thins Pads Overnight night With Wings <> 累计销量:6382 价格登录后可见 英文名称: U pads Maximum Protection Pads OverNight U牌卫生巾常规夜用 条形码: 9310088012385 保质期: 重量: 200g...
【超商热卖】U by Kotex U牌卫生巾超薄运动款护翼12片 Ultra Thins Sport Pads Regular With Wings 价格登录后可见 英文名称: U By Kotex Ultra Thins Sport Pads Regular With Wings 12pk 条形码: 155979780646905 保质期: 重量: 200g 数量: 库存充足 ...
Ultra Thin Pads with 3D Capture Core Kimberly-Clark's U by Kotex brand has introduced U by Kotex Security Ultra Thin pads with 3D Capture Core, a one-of-a-kind center that locks away wetness t... - 《Nonwovens Industry》 被引量: 0发表: 2015年 ...
U by Kotex® offers a variety of unscented pads in different styles & absorbencies. Explore our full line of period pads inside.
U by Kotex® ultra thin pads offer outstanding protection against period leaks while being comfortable and discreet. Explore our full line of pads inside.
U By Kotex 高洁丝 孕妇产后卫生巾 无护翼 超长加厚 10片 规格:10片 品牌:U By Kotex 高洁丝 产地:澳大利亚 【产品特点】 不含其它化学添加剂、荧光剂,质量可靠,值得信赖。 质感柔和舒适,透气性好,容易吸收,呵护肌肤。 加厚加长无护翼设计,让产妇使用更方便。 【产品功能 】 保护女性私处健康。 背面全胶,服帖...