威俊新品2款 Typ..CB35113 Russian Self-Propelled Gun SU-152 (KV-14) April 1943 (early) productionCB35104 German Type XXIII U-Boat Coastal Submarine
21型原计划装备四门30毫米高炮,但后来代之以两座双联装20毫米炮。XXIII型艇艏两具鱼雷发射管,只带两条鱼雷,战斗中没有重新装填能力,而且只能事先在港口从外部装填,这是其最大弱点,采用了改进型水下听音装置和通气管。水声系统 21型潜艇的声呐数据转换装置可以自动计算并装定鱼雷射击诸元,不用潜望镜就能为...
The development of the Type XXIII was given very high priority. To reduce development time, Dr. Walter designed the new boat based on the previous Type XXII prototype. By Ju...
Buy 1/35 German Type XXIII U-Boat Coastal Submarine by Bronco (CB35104). Shop model ships & boats by scale 1/35 online at BNA Model World.
the Type XXI was very silent when running underwater. By comparison, the Type XXI at 15 knots emitted the same noise as a US Navy Balao class boat at 8 knots. Her pressure hull was fabricated from 1 inch thick steel aluminum alloy, which allowed a maximum crush depth of 280 meters (91...
Paper Model Halinski 01 Submarine U 2511 U Boat Type XXI 热度: 提高U型辊表面硬度耐磨的复合涂层及U型辊的生产工艺 热度: U盘安装系统教程:手把手教你U盘装WIN7,扔掉你的光驱 热度: U型潜艇(U-boat) TheUsubmarineisasubmarineusedespeciallyinGermanyduring ...
With the advent of the true submarine, such as the Types XXI and XXIII, which spent most of their time underwater, these boats rarely surfaced and thus together with it, the colorful naval tradition of the U-Boat insignias began to fade out. ...
德国U型潜艇制作➕场景全过程 1/350 【U-Boat Type VII C/41】二战中德国U型潜艇分级 第二次世界大战中,纳粹德国海军II型(2型)、VII型(7型)、IX型(9型)以及XXI(21型)、XXIII(23型)型用于作战。所有潜艇型号皆以U以及罗马数字命名,其中各型号还有一系列改进型号,如改进自IIA(2A)型的IID(2D)型, Ebro...
particularly in World War I and World War II. The unrestricted submarine warfare of World War 1 and World War 2 came close to bringing England to its knees . Engine room of WWI uboat. German stamp WW 2. By the end of the war, the Type XXI uboats, the fastest ever built with a ...