U-571 Movie ReviewFriday Movie Review
夹带私货的爽片 《猎杀U-571》抛开本片在历史背景和军事细节上的问题,最大的硬伤在于对“战争对人的异化”这一命题的反向阐释,也就是说,屁股是歪的。 越战后的美国主流反战电影虽然没能完成反思帝国主义战争爆发根因的历史任务,但至少直观的描绘了基层士兵面前战争的残酷和荒诞。典型如《现代启示录》中科茨由正星...
“U-571” is a clever wind-up toy of a movie, almost a trailer for a video game. Compared to “Das Boot” or “The Hunt For Red October,” it’s thin soup. The characters are perfunctory, the action is recycled straight out of standard submarine formulas, and there is one shot whe...
U-571 Reviews Eddie Harrisonfilm-authority.com U-571 is junk as history; as a mindless Saturday night action flick, its pretty good Full Review| Original Score: 3/5 |Apr 26, 2022 Tony BlackCultural Conversation Well-executed but troubling wartime historical revisionism. ...
猎杀U-571的影评。 这种经典的老电影还是很打动我的,最后时刻挽回局势的经典格式,还是看的那么心跳.深海外部环境,封闭的艇内空间,外部的高压力同样传递给人内心的高压力,潜艇这种向刺客一样绝杀的角色.很过瘾呢. 不过我比较独特...
Director Review:Jonathan Mostow– Good direction to create a suspense thriller that keeps you on the edge of your seat throughout.(8/10) Action: Great combat action, which slowly builds up before unleashing.(8/10) Thriller: Keeps you at the edge of your seats throughout.(9/10) ...
Review ofU-571 U-571(2000) 7/10 Sorry folks, but have to rate this one high - although don't disagree with lower scores. 7 March 2021 First, don't call me crazy for the 7/10 rating. I over-rated this movie a bit, I figure I enjoyed it enough from a screenplay and acting pro...
猎杀u-571 讲述美国潜艇海军伪装成德国维修人员,登陆到德国潜艇去获取德国潜艇密码,同时也穿插了副舰长成长为舰长的故事。 战争很残酷,你死我活,对待敌人,对待自己的队友不可有仁慈之心,如果有犹豫不决可能就会害了整个队伍。希望能和平,希望国家能强大富裕起来。 工业强,国家才强,一艘德国潜艇损坏严重,依然能支撑...