TYTUS Grills are powered with the best materials inlcuding 8mm, solid 304 stainless steel grates, burners, flame tamers + more.
TYTUS Grills are powered with the best materials inlcuding 8mm, solid 304 stainless steel grates, burners, flame tamers + more.
patented quick-assembly grills – all you need is five minutes, two people, and zero tools. tytus patented quick assembly: zero tools, two people, five minutes 74,000 btu output four dual-port 304 stainless steel burners infrared rear sear burner (12,000 btus) infrared side sear burner (...
申请/注册号:37566790申请日期:2019-04-17国际分类:第11类-灯具空调商标申请人:蒂图斯烤架有限责任公司;TYTUSGRILLS,LLC办理/代理机构:北京铸成联合知识产权代理有限公司 TYTUS商标注册申请 申请/注册号:37566789申请日期:2019-04-17国际分类:第21类-厨房洁具商标申请人:蒂图斯烤架有限责任公司;TYTUSGRILIS,LLC办理/代理...