Tyszowce是将“Tyszowce"翻译成 罗马尼亚文。 译文示例:In December 1655 the Tyszowce Confederation formed in support of the exiled John Casimir. ↔ În decembrie 1655 s-a format Confederația de la Tyszowce, care s-a alăturat eforturilor regelui exilat, Ioan Cazimir. Tyszowce ...
Late pleistoceneThe Late Pleistocene loess-palaeosol sequence in Tyszowce (Sokal Plateau-Ridge, SE Poland) has been analysed for major elements (Si, Na, K, Mg, Ca, Fe, Mn, Al, Ti and P) in order to determine its chemical composition, stratigraphy and degree of chemical weathering. For ...
The presented work concerns a loess profile located in Tyszowce, in the eastern part of Po- land on the Volyn Upland, close to the Ukrainian border. The investigated loess formation is well pre- served and is characterised by clear stratigraphic units providing an opportunity to refine the ...
In the 16th and 17th century, the Jews accounted for between 16 and 49% of the town's population. Information about Tyszowce's Jewish community and its officials is fragmentary. The oldest mention about the synagogue in Tyszowce dates back to 1668. We can learn ab...
Non-city starosty of Tyszowce was located in the province of Belz and received the status of royal land in 1462. Its territory included the town of Tyszowce and villages: Mikulin, Perespa, Klatwy and Przewale. In the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries the starosty suffered from a ...
The presented work concerns a loess profile located in Tyszowce, in the eastern part of Poland on the Volyn Upland, close to the Ukrainian border. The investigated loess formation is well preserved and is characterised by clear stratigraphic units providing an opportunity to refine the loess ...