2008b. Alexander the Great's tom- bolo at Tyre and Alexandria, eastern Mediterranean. Geomorphology 100: 377-400.Marriner, N., J. P. Goiran, and C. Morhange (2008), Alexander the Great's tombolos at Tyre and Alexandria, eastern Mediterranean, Geomorphology, 100 (3-4), 377-400....
The capital of Phoenicia after the 11th century bc, it was a flourishing commercial center noted for its purple dyestuffs and rich, silken clothing. Tyre was besieged and captured by Alexander the Great in 332 bc and was destroyed by a Mameluke army in ad 1291....
The capital of Phoenicia after the 11th century bc, it was a flourishing commercial center noted for its purple dyestuffs and rich, silken clothing. Tyre was besieged and captured by Alexander the Great in 332 bc and was destroyed by a Mameluke army in ad 1291....
Tyre was founded on an offshore island. Alexander the Great constructed a causeway during his siege of the city, and the island became a peninsula. Excavations have been carried out at two sites in Tyre: al-Mina site (or City site) on the southern part of the former island, and al-Bas...
Alexander the Great (332) first stormed the island-city after building a large dam across the shallow strait; and he sold 30,000 inhabitants as slaves. Nevertheless, the city soon regained great importance. It enjoyed a certain liberty until Augustus, and under the Romans was the most populous...
present-day southern Lebanon. The capital of Phoenicia after the 11th century BC, it was a flourishing commercial center noted for its purple dyestuffs and rich, silken clothing. Tyre was besieged and captured by Alexander the Great in 332 BC and was destroyed by a Mameluke army in AD 1291...
In 332 B.C., Alexander the Great constructed an ≈1,000-m-long causeway to seize the offshore island of Tyre. The logistics behind this engineering feat have long troubled archaeologists. Using the Holocene sedimentary record, we demonstrate that Alexander's engineers cleverly exploited a shallow...
10 12 Alexander's End 1622015-11 查看更多 猜你喜欢 2717 Bawimy sie w polski 1 波兰语 by:laotianyeh 140 The Wind-The Jesters by:小众style 26 THE HEN-THE HEN by:小众style 443 The Vault-The RPZ by:嘻哈有态度 49 THE BLUESMEN-THE BLUESMEN by:流行风ING 1800 The-Princess-and-the-Frog...
Tyre, no longer an island but a peninsula, stands out boldly into the sea, and the first view is very imposing, whether we approach it from the north or the south . . . .The strip of sand between the well and the gate has accumulated on the causeway by which Alexander the Great uni...
She grew wealthy from her far-reaching colonies and her industries of purple-dyed textiles. But she also attracted the attention of jealous conquerors among them the Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar and Alexander the Great. Five Millennia of History ...