Meanwhile, she was assigned to be the love coach of the tyrant Ejed Jean Porcaus like fate! “I’ll help you so that Your Majesty can capture the heart of your beloved Lady.” When the embarrassed Ejed tried to refuse, Annie said in a way that she knew everything. ...
It comes down to this: all the big nations are creating their own bioweapons, and one guy, Director Choe, decides he wants South Korea to be on par with these other nations. Obviously, America doesn’t like this covert operation and wants this weapon for themselves, but when this hand...
However, none of them want to switch into Choice Band Outrage, and Flygon is still 2HKOed by Choice Scarf Tyrantrum's Head Smash, meaning it wants a Choice Scarf of its own to consistently check Tyrantrum. Steel-types: Bulky Steel-types such as Bronzong resist Head Smash and retaliate ...
I have no plans to come to Italy except in the summer maybe. The new tyrants should be in next week I'm hoping. Should be a good issue. I should probably hold reading for it sooner than January, but maybe we can line something up for when Chiara is here. That would be sweet. Whe...
Blasters of the Universedoesn’t break all the molds of the wave shooter, but like some kind of VR Coldstone Creamery it rolls in a heaping cup of “bullet hell” while spectators watch behind the glass counter thinking,“Are these guys insane?! Who wants Ikaruga in their wave shooter?!
《暴君》前情提要 PreviouslyonTyrant... 我不信仸我自己 Idon'ttrustmyself. 必须得有人一直照看她 Someonehastowatchher24/7. 我需要好起来 Ineedtogogetbetter. 你要离开多久 Howlongwillyoubegone? 我不知道 Idon'tknow. 你是巴萨姆的儿子 You'reBassam'sson. 他不知道 Hedoesn'tknow. 向我保证你不会...
And while I get the whole idea that the military wants to rally at Castle Everstand, that simply seems like a terrible decision, strategically. (Actually, most of what Lastwall does seems strategically stupid - from the whole Belkzen front to putting Vigil on the wrong side of the river)...
Dear Authors – This Reader Wants More Courage, Complexity and Atmosphere BookerTalk What do you need to know about me? 1. I'm from Wales which is one of the countries in the UK and must never be confused with England. 2. My life has always revolved around the written and spoken word...
The night kicked off with Bassam and Molly dealing with the death of their daughter in wildly different ways. For starters, religious tradition throws a wrench into the matter of how to bury and mourn Emma. Bassam wants to proceed with Muslim tradition, while Molly believes that her daughter,...
那阿卜杜勒呢他也在在夜總會裏嗎 Hewas.他在 YoubelongtoAbuOmarnow.你現在屬於阿布·奧馬爾 Youwillobeyhim,你得服從他 dowhathewantswheneverhewantsit.做他想讓你做的事任其差遣 GhanineedsDaliyah.伽尼離不開達莉亞 Findher.找到她 Promiseme.答應我 I'llfindher.我會找到她的 Iswear.我發誓 Thisway....