宝可梦-EX 进化自:沙基拉斯 HP150 EX宝可梦 当EX宝可梦被击败时,对方抽2张奖品卡。 利爪20 临界粉碎80 弃置该宝可梦身上的2张能量卡,当该宝可梦身上的能量卡不足2张时,该次攻击无效。 弱点 抗性 撤退
进化自:沙基拉斯 HP160 EX宝可梦 当EX宝可梦被击败时,对方抽2张奖品卡。 粉碎30 弃置场上存在的训练场地卡。 导流30 弃置对方出战宝可梦身上的一张特殊能量卡。 混战70 弃置对方卡组最上面一张卡。 失控120 弃置己方卡组最上面的3张卡。 弱点 抗性
班基拉斯 ex Dark 班基拉斯 Dark 班基拉斯 班基拉斯 ex 班基拉斯 PGO 43/78 班基拉斯V 班基拉斯V 班基拉斯V 班基拉斯V 班基拉斯 班基拉斯V 班基拉斯 班基拉斯-GX 班基拉斯-GX 班基拉斯-GX 班基拉斯 班基拉斯-EX M 班基拉斯-EX M 班基拉斯-EX 班基拉斯-EX 班...
EX宝可梦 当EX宝可梦被击败时,对方抽2张奖品卡。 Mega进化 当己方场上有宝可梦进化为Mega宝可梦时,己方回合结束。 Θ 双重 该宝可梦可以放置2张宝可梦道具卡。 破坏者之王110+ 追加对方出战宝可梦身上的伤害指示物数量×60点伤害。 弱点 ×2 抗性 -20 ...
10+ Does 10 damage plus 10 more damage for each Energy attached to Dark Tyranitar. Spinning Tail Does 20 damage to each of your opponent’s Pokémon. (Don’t apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.) Bite Off 70+ If the Defending Pokémon is Pokémon-ex, this attack does 70 ...
#0247Pupitar #0249Lugia Tyranitar#0248 Stats HP Attack Defense Special Attack Special Defense Speed > Extremely strong, it can change the landscape. It is so insolent that it doesn’t care about others. Versions: Height2.0 m Weight202.0 kg ...
It will not OHKO nearly every basic EX, GX, and Mega. For as destructive and brutal as it may seem, unless you run several (I mean plenty) of supporters then it’s not worth your time. Reply Robert (5 years ago) enter Mallow! Though I don’t think anyone ever played it with ...
The Moncolle Pokemon Figure MS Series EX is an excellent choice for any Pokemon enthusiast. The recommended age range of 14+ ensures that these figures are suitable for a wide audience, from teens to adults. The finished goods nature of the figures means that they're ready to be enjoyed ...
↓30.24 ꩜18.75 ↑44.69 Mega Sableye & Tyranitar-GX·280 HP·{D} Pokémon(Sableye,Tyranitar)›Basic·is:GX,TAG TEAM {D}{D}{D}{D}{C}→Greedy Crush: 210 If your opponent’s Pokémon-GXor Pokémon-EXis Knocked Out by damage from this attack, take 1 more Prize card. ...
Packed with over 100 cards, including every single PokAmon and PokAmon Delta Species, you can battle with the likes of Rayquaza ex, Dragonite ex and Tyranitar ex. WIN a sack full of BOYS' TOYS Four PokAaAaAeA@mon occupy Tier 2.5, namely: Tyranitar, Dragonite, Rhyd and Gyarados. 'Pokem...