Typography影响了文字的可读性。人们通常是扫视文本内容而不是读每个单词,所以单词中每个字母之间的间隔(tracking),单词之间间隔(kerning),行距(leading),每行文本的长短都会严重影响内容的可读性。 Typography影响了产品的可用性,而可用性是产品设计(product design)的核心。这里就需要考虑有身体残疾,认知障碍,语言或学习...
但是对于一个刚开始在字体排印世界里探索的初学者来说,你唯一需要记住的是,只有正确并且连贯地使用上面所提到的设计元素对于打造一个简洁并且专业的平面设计作品的结构是十分关键的。 As a beginner you don’t need to go too deep into terms like kerning, leading, tracking, formatting. One thing worth keep...
Tracking 正文用不着,标题里可能会用。一般加添加 1 个或者 2 个像素就足够。 What’s the Difference Between Leading, Kerning and Tracking? Kerning是字母之间的距离; Tracking是字母之间的距离。区别是,Tranking 是给一个单词各个字母之间设置同样的距离;Kerning 可以是同一个单词里任意两个字母的距离。 Color ...
Kerning and Leading are important in typography and should not be ignored. It is the finishing touch on the type that makes everything read and flow properly.The design is not really complete until kerning and leading have been considered, but that doesn’t mean that they are always necessary...
005 Tracking Leading Kerning Part 4 - 大小:14m 目录:02 Vocabulary 资源数量:73,其他后期软件教程_其他,Udemy - Typography From A to Z/02 Vocabulary/001 Introduction to Vocabulary,Udemy - Typography From A to Z/02 Vocabulary/002 Tracking Leading Kerning Pa
002 Tracking Leading Kerning Part 1 - 大小:34m 目录:02 Vocabulary 资源数量:73,其他后期软件教程_其他,Udemy - Typography From A to Z/02 Vocabulary/001 Introduction to Vocabulary,Udemy - Typography From A to Z/02 Vocabulary/002 Tracking Leading Kerning Pa
Kerning: 字距。 Leading: 行距。 left alignment center alignment Right alignment显得正式。 Justified alignment: 左右对齐。避免出现tracking, 也叫river). Type Category(字体分类) Serif: 衬线体。这种字体在长段的时候更易读,而且传统。(如果没有特别制定,绝大多数程序都把Times New Romanstyle 作为默认字体。
Leading, kerning and tracking. Leading is space between lines of text, kerning is space between two characters and tracking is the overall letter spacing of a text. You may need to adjust all three of these before your text looks how you want it to on the page. Too much space can mak...
Tracking is the spacing between all the characters of a font. Properly selected tracking can make the copy feel pleasant to the eye. Image byfonts.com Kerning Kerning is the process of adjusting the space between two type characters. Unlike tracking that apply for all characters, kerning is ap...