研究表明,经常使用电脑的同学们,打字速度可以达到40-45wpm(每分钟单词数),而打字员的及格线是50wpm,优秀的甚至可以达到60-80wpm。不信,你可以试试第684关,几乎没有人能一次通过!🤣 【如何使用】 首先,访问Typing Club的官方网站,使用邮箱注册后即可登录。 网站共有684关,随着关数的增加,通关所需的打字速度也...
Elevate your typing speed with Typing Test WPM. Measure your skills, enhance your WPM, and challenge yourself with our engaging typing tests. Start your journey today! ⌨️🚀
Corporate testing software. Typing certificates for individuals. Free WPM typing tests and 10 key tests. No signup required.
WPM Typing Test improve your typing speed The fun and free online speed typing test, aka keyboarding test. Learn how to type faster by typing faster. Call it whatever you want a game, a data entry test, touch typing. Whatever you call it it's a way to practice your typing. No ...
WPM means words per minute. WPM is a very useful tool that is commonly used to measure the speed of computer typing. When you are trying to increase your typing speed, then a WPM test can help you. The fingers skill is related to typing, so it’s very important to find a specific ...
All free test words per minute work in a slightly different way, but each of them has you typed sample words, phrases, or sentences in a set period of time. However, the most common thing in the different typing tests is 1 minute per word test, but WPM also offers 3 minute and 5-...
Online Typing WPM Speed Tests Correctly processing your corporate information is critical to your bottom line and overall profitability. Hire a candidate that can process the information you find valuable. Whether inputing customer names, sentences, paragraphs, birth dates, strings of numbers, or ...
You will soon speed up your typing if you use the site regularly. I believe that if you practice 5 minutes per day during a month you will greatly improve your speed. Your wpm can easily go from 15 wpm to 40 wpm. Trust me this free typing test is good. Whether you are a good typ...
主要翻译 英语中文 typingn(use of a keyboard to compose text)(文字处理)SCSimplified Chinese打字dǎ zì Typing is a skill everyone needs these days. typingn(science: determination of type)SCSimplified Chinese分类fēn lèi TCTraditional Chinese分類 ...
Skills: Typing Speed, Keyboarding Accuracy, WPM Test. Try this words per minute test typing for kids. Check your speed and accuracy after you type 3 sentences in one of our popular wpm tests. Being able to type is becoming more and more important to students. Speed typing and accuracy can...